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             FACING ADVERSITY Caused by COVID-19 Pandemic, Systemic Racism, Blacks Murdered by Police:
             The Corona Virus Pandemic truly put a hit in the road with me and my path in life. I was struggling to
             cope  emotionally  while  at  the  same  time,  be  responsible  and  be  on  top  of  my  work.  Though,  one
             supernatural being that kept me through these times, is God. God has been my superpower strength
             that  kept  me  alive  to  this  day.  I  would  not  be  here  without  my  relationship  and  love  for  God

             KEEPING YOUR FAITH In God to Overcome the Adversities You Will Surely Face:
             Having faith in God helps me put life into a whole other perspective than this world does. Knowing God
             helps me to know that adversity is a sign of strength and an opportunity to grow stronger and wiser. To
             take the matter at hand and grow from it. Having faith in God helps me get out of the bed every day
             and put on the full armor of God ( Eph. 6:11) and walk behind God’s plan for me. Even though I cannot
             see God, that does not mean He isn’t here with us! We can’t see air, but we breathe air all the time to
             keep us live. We can’t see gravity, but it keeps us in place every step of the day. We can’t see wind, but
             we feel the push that wind does to our body… this is the same for God. His divine presence is beyond
             this world comprehension. I hold on to a power that I feel within me that I know is God. I will hold on to
             God even in the face of adversity.  I have learned--and am learning--that faith is not leaning on logic or
             our own understanding, but it is so step outside of your own understanding and trust in a God!
             Proverbs 3:5-8) Amen!

             STAYING COMMITTED TO ACHIEVEMENT Academic Success, Individual Development, and Spiritual
             I have learned through my personal relationship with God that all (good and bad) works for my good,
             meaning that I will make mistakes and yes, there will be hardships, but all of it is in alignment of God’s
             plan for my life. God did not bring me this far just to leave me, HE will see me through if I keep my eye
             and focused on Him. Adversity is there to test my faith and willingness to be successful even when life
             happens. God and college have taught me to live in a growth mindset, to learn from my mistakes and
             not live in a stagnant fixed mindset. This has brought spiritual growth and built a successful mindset
             within my heart and mind. Lately, God has been using my family to be a backbone to my faith and in

                 “Young Scholars Achieving As They Endure The Unknown”

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