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Our Dear Brother Kelvin Wheeler -- a 34-year-old Father, Brother and Mentor was shot and killed in
northwest Detroit on July 6, 2020. Kelvin’s life mattered, he was a person that could have addressed a
lot of the issues facing the Black community. At the time of his death he was finishing his work on a
Master’s Degree in Education and attending Seminary School to become a Minister.
Kelvin was loved by everyone. He was committed to his relationship with GOD. He was also a doting
father to his 8-year-old son who is named after him. Every time you saw Kelvin, his son was there he
was his shadow. Kelvin had a knack for helping kids and was the beloved Dean of Students at Harper
Woods Triumph Middle School. This was another role he Owned and Loved. He was also serving as an
Assistant Varsity Football Coach at the school.
Brother Wheeler’s death is especially painful because it was so senseless. The Southfield Kappa Foun-
dation has established a One Thousand Dollar Memorial Scholarship in his memory. The Scholarship
will be awarded to the top academic Kappa Brother at Kelvin’s Alma Marta University of Michigan –
Dearborn (Nu Epsilon).
Brother Kelvin Wheeler Jr. words cannot explain the pain we feel deep in our Hearts as your Fraternity
Brothers. You lived a short life but everyone you touched could not help but Feel Your Love and the
Bright Light of Achievement Shining in Your Eyes and in Every Word You Spoke. Rest on the Golden
Shore little Brother we will meet there someday and once again say to each other “Love You Bruh”.
For Ever Your Brothers In The Bond Of
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity