Page 11 - S2S Magazine Preview - Draft V16 - updated
P. 11

Congratulations College Graduates!  All Hearts!!!

                     Carrousel Eilene Maupin

           The “Women with Heart” Luncheon, to benefit the Eilene

              Maupin Women, with Heart Scholarship Fund for Morehouse School of
          Medicine students, was held on February 1, 2023, at the Georgia Aquarium. The
       luncheon was chaired by Carrousel Eilene Maupin with Carrousels Michele Gandy and
         Barbara Wiltz serving on the Women with Heart Committee. The luncheon hosted more
       than 475 women who were able to hear a cardiologist speak about women and heart disease.

                   They also heard from three women who gave heartwarming survivor testimonials.

                                                                Dr. Caree Jackson Cotwright

                                                                Carrousel Dr. Caree Jackson Cotwright and Carrafella
                                                                Marty Cotwright are honored to announce that Caree

                                                                has been appointed director of Nutrition Security and
                                                                Health Equity for the United States Department of
                                                                Agriculture.  She is the daughter of Carrousel Josephine

                                                                Jackson and deceased Carrafella Ernest Jackson Sr. In
                                                                this role, Caree will lead the Food and Nutrition Service’s
                                                                strategic focus on nutrition security, including raising
                                                                public awareness of USDA’s actions to advance food
                                                                and nutrition security and building partnerships.  She

                                                                also serves as one of two departmental representatives
                                                                working to accelerate action on the goals of the White
                                                                House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health,

                                                                to end hunger; improve nutrition and physical activity;
                                                                reduce diet-related diseases and disparities; and
                                                                implement the corresponding national strategy.

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