Page 131 - S2S Magazine Preview - Draft V16 - updated
P. 131

Bringing the Sunshine!

                           HATS OFF TO YOU TWO!!
                                                                         During the month of February 2023, we
                                                                         had an elegant Tea Party at the exquisite
                                                                         Westgate Hotel in downtown San Diego!

                                                                         On a rare chilly day for San Diego,
                                                                         Carrousels spent the afternoon
                                                                         snuggled together with a

                                                                         delicious array of gourmet
                                                                          tea, complete with a variety
                                                                          of sweet and savory bite-sized delicacies
                                                                          that one would expect for High Tea. There
                                                                          was a great selection of fruit, sandwiches,

                                                                          desserts, scones, and our individual tea
                                                                          flavor of choice. Carrousel sisters were
                                                                          dressed to the “T” for this event! Our
                      Carousels Charlene Lemons Shivers & Verna Rose Spires  gathering brought sunshine to this

                                                                             otherwise cloudy day!

              SIMPLY HAVING FUN, NO                                    SITTING PRETTY, ENJOYING
                WORK TO BE DONE !!!                                              HIGH TEA!

                      San Diego Carrousels                                  Carrousel Donna L. Cook

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