Page 135 - S2S Magazine Preview - Draft V16 - updated
P. 135
Jingle, Mingle, and Jam
Let’s Jingle, Mingle, and Jam with the
Carrousels was the theme for this year’s
holiday sweater party. The ballroom
at the Hilton St. Louis Frontenac
was transformed into a “Holiday
Extravaganza” on Sunday, December
4th at 3 p.m. Dressed in “Ugly, Festive,
or Unique Sweaters” Carrousels
mingled around the room, warmly greeting our guests. When Carrousel Shirley Garrett announced
the party was about to begin, the Carrousels made a grand entrance, jingling their bells and bopping to Mariah
Carey’s hit song, “Oh Santa." Carrousel Christina Bennett officially welcomed our guests and introduced
Carrousel Joyce Price, chairperson and Carrousels Victoria Buck, Gwen Key, Sandra Murdock, Bettye Reed, and
Stacy Reed Mevs, social committee members. Without delay, the guests began mixing and mingling throughout
the room, sharing something “Naughty or Nice” about themselves. Everyone enjoyed waiter passed hors
d’oeuvres and a signature Christmas cocktail. A combination of red, green, silver, and gold cups were alternately
placed at each seat to determine which group guests would be assigned to. Once it was determined, everyone
was challenged with performing their own version of “All I Want for Christmas” by Mariah Carey or “This
Christmas” by Donny Hathaway. The first group to perform featured a soloist who imitated Mariah perfectly!
From the onset, there was literally no competition! Instead, nonstop laughter filled the room, as each remaining
group performed its rendition, fully knowing there was no way they could compete with the initial performance.
The winning group was presented with a beautiful ornament in a decorative Christmas bag. At the same time,
the judges, Carrousels Erica Bumpers, Stacy Reed Mevs, and Staci Oliver, were scanning the room looking for
the winning sweaters in each category. Following a drum roll, the winners strutted the
“Holiday Runway” showing off their prize-winning sweaters and certificates. DJ Tossing
Ted rocked the house with tunes that brought everyone to the floor for the popular line
dances. The party came to a close with guests dancing around the room and blowing
their whistles to Too Short’s popular song, “Blow Your Whistle!”