Page 143 - S2S Magazine Preview - Draft V16 - updated
P. 143
Let the Good Times Roll!!!
Our vibrant Social Committee kicked off the fall festival of fun by hosting “Fall with the ‘Fellas,” a Labor Day
weekend bar-b-que experience at the lovely Bethesda, Maryland home of Carrousel Jeanette Conrad-Ellis.
In October, we welcomed transfer Carrousel Karen Overstreet Bellamy
who joined us from the Cleveland, Ohio Chapter.
In December, we let the good times roll as our fabulous social committee
hosted a magnificent Emerald & Gold holiday party at the beautiful
Columbia Country Club under the membership of Carrousel Sheryl
Watkins Wilbon. To celebrate our chapter’s 55th anniversary,
members were attired in emerald or gold and men wore jackets. Our
décor included poinsettias and Black Santa centerpieces. Beautiful
etched glass Champagne flutes and mini bottles of Champagne were
given to each attendee to commemorate our 55th anniversary. We
also gifted our attending Emeritus Members with a lovely poinsettia
wrapped in a special red bow.
Yolande Hackney-Wright and
Carafella Richard Wright
Chapter President Karyn Greenfield standing in center wearing black
6 EM on sofa in photo– Francella Teele Press, Lorethea Farrior Davis, Margo
Pinson, Marilyn Bush Funderburk, Wilma Robertson Greenfield, Fay DeShields