Page 16 - February 2017
P. 16

MSP Chaplain Corps

                                                                                     by Fr. William (Bill) Hamilton
        The Chaplain Corps of the Massachusetts State Police have  The Chaplain is an indispensible member of the Massachusetts
        the honor and privilege of providing support, pastoral care,  State Police and has been at its service since its beginning.
        and encouragement to the men and women of the French
        and Electric Blue as well as their family members and those   Currently,  those serving as Chaplains are:
        who  are  victimized  by  crime  and  tragedy.   Through  their
        diligent  care  and  specialized  training,  they  bring  comfort   Father Joseph J Baggetta is a priest of the Archdiocese of
        and intervention in some of the most difficult circumstances   Boston. Presently, he serves a Chaplain to the Department of
        of our trooper’s and citizens’ lives.  Thankfully, the Chaplain   Youth Services and assists at Saint James the Greater Parish
        is also called to celebrate with our members the happiest of   in  Boston’s  Chinatown and  at the   Cathedral of  the Holy
        events as well.  Being called on to witness marriages, baptize   Cross.  Before  his  ordination,  he  served  as  a  Correctional
        the young, and celebrate promotions and awards that have   Officer  at  Charles  Street  Jail  (Suffolk  County).  He  also
        been so nobly attained.                                served as a Navy Chaplain.  He loves the beach, sports, and
                                                               riding his bike.
        Often, the Chaplain may be called upon to assist in death
        notifications,  assist  and  support  victims  in  times  of  crisis   Father Fred Fraini is our newest Chaplain in the State Police.
        and respond to suicide incidents.. They visit sick or injured   He grew up in Auburn Massachusetts. Currently a priest of
        personnel,  respond,  when  asked,  to  major  accidents  and   the Diocese of Worcester, his father and both grandfather’s
        traumatic  events  within  local  communities  in  which  they   were police officers.  He has three cousins who are police
        live.  The Chaplain is a resource for counseling for members   officers,  two  in  Milford,  one  in  Northbridge.    Prior  to
        of  the  agency  and  their  families,  and  serves  as  a  liaison   discerning a call to the priesthood, Father Fraini thought for
        with other clergy in the community. They are called upon to   sure he would become a police officer.  As a high school
        deliver the invocation or benediction at public ceremonies   student  he  attended  the  Student  Trooper  Program  at  the
        such  as  police  memorials,  graduations,  promotions  and   State Police Academy.   He graduated from Auburn High
        award  ceremonies  as  representatives  of  the  Department   School,  Worcester  State  University,  St.  Mary’s  Seminary
        of State Police. They also are on hand to serve inside the   and University in Baltimore and Mount St. Mary’s Seminary
        department as need arises.                             in Emmitsburg, MD.  Father Fred is an avid sportsman.  He
                                                               enjoys waterfowl hunting, deer hunting, black bear hunting,
        Those in Law enforcement know all to readily that shifts and   pheasant  hunting  and  turkey  hunting.    He  also  enjoys
        days can be filled with hours of boredom and moments of   largemouth  bass  fishing  and  striper  fishing.    Ice  fishing
        terrorizing fear. The Chaplain is one who, by their presence,   is also a part of his winter recreation.  He’s probably the
        weather it be in the barracks or in the cruiser, help individuals   only  priest  in  the  area  whose  rectory  looks  like  a  lodge.
        cope with the reality of an often unappreciated job.  Their
        ability to interact with the members of their respective troops   Father  Fred  is  currently  pastor  of  St.  Anna  Church  in
        allows them to be very approachable and helpful, especially   Leominster,  MA  and  Headmaster  of  St.  Anna  Catholic
        when individuals may not, due to their schedules, have the   School.  Father considers it a tremendous honor and privilege
        same opportunity with their local clergy.              to  serve  the  men  and  women  of  the  Massachusetts  State
                                                               Police as a chaplain.  He is also chaplain of the Leominster
        In recent years, the Chaplain has been called on to assist the  Police Department and former chaplain of the Athol Police
        Employee Assistance Unit (EAU) in the handling of Critical  Department.  Currently, because of his love and enthusiasm
        Incident  Stress  Management  (CISM)  and  Post  Traumatic  for  the  outdoors  he  has  been  approached  to  consider  a
        Stress or Shooting Disorders (PTSD).  The constant stress  chaplaincy with the Massachusetts Environmental Police.
        of critical incidents takes its toll on the Law Enforcement
        Officer and unrelieved stress can cause both serious physical   Chaplain  Johnny  M.  Wilson  is  senior  minister  of  a
        and emotional damage if not treated quickly and efficiently.    multicultural major denomination  church in Rhode Island.
        The  Chaplain  in  collaboration  with  the  EAU,  assists  the   He is a Retired U.S. Navy Chaplain and served in the Gulf
        individual  in  coping  with  the  symptoms  caused  by  Post   War.  Chaplain Wilson is a graduate of Graduate Theological
        Traumatic  Stress  such  as  handling  memories,  nightmares,   Union  in  Berkeley,  CA.    He  appreciates  those  women
        and flashbacks.  They assist in stages of grieving, emotional   and men troopers who defend and protect the  citizens of
        suffering, anger, depression, and fear, with intervention for   Massachusetts.  He enjoys college basketball. His favorite
        all forms of addictive personality.  They also help to achieve   teams are Syracuse, UCONN, Boston College and UCLA.
        levels of love, forgiveness, married life and relationships,   Though he serves in Rhode Island, he makes his home in
        family structure, and parenting.                       Springfield, MA, serving the Troop B area and beyond.

                      F r en c h·a n d·E le c t r ic·B l ue·F e b r u a r y·2017·p a g e·16
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