Page 18 - February 2017
P. 18

In Celebration of Black History Month

                                    Disturbers of the Peace:

           The Civil Rights Movement - An American Odyssey
                                                                   submitted by Detective Lieutenant Debra DeRise

        The following was Taken from passages written by Jesse Arnell in 1998:

        February 5 was the birthday of one of the Civil Rights  of all of us.  It’s the story about people from all walks
        Movement’s most legendary figures: Rosa Parks.  We  of life and all across the country who at a given time
        all  know  the  story  of  Rosa  Parks,  how  this  humble  in American history put their safety on the line for a
        seamstress  in  Montgomery Alabama,  refused  to  give  common ideal.
        up her seat on a segregated bus, her arrest and how that
        arrest ignited a movement that would bring enormous    So let’s talk for a few minutes about that civil rights
        conflict and profound change to our country.  And how   story.  In a larger sense I want to talk about the story of
        that  moment  would  ultimately  thrust  a  young  black   the struggle to perfect those essential rights guaranteed
        preacher from the south, Martin Luther King, Jr., to the   under the 14  amendment to Constitution of the United
        forefront of this nation’s collective conscience.      States equal protection and equal rights under the law
                                                               for all of America’s citizens.

                                                               It  has  been  frequently  said,  “Life  is  a  struggle”.  In
                                                               many ways, struggle is the very essence of life.  If you
                                                               live it right and you work to embrace your beliefs in
                                                               every action of every day, life is a struggle. It can be a
                                                               wonderful, fulfilling and often enriching struggle with
                                                               many rewards, but a struggle nonetheless. But in that
                                                               struggle, in America, one finds the very essence of a
                                                               democracy under our Constitution.  In no other country

              Rosa Parks was arrested for her peaceful protest  on earth would the right to struggle, to protest, to speak,
                                                               and to assemble be guaranteed by the Constitution and
        No contemporary history of the United States can be    enforced by access to the courts in the very jurisdiction
        complete without Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil   where those rights were being challenged.
        Rights  Movement  which,  while  appearing  as  a  brief
        span of years, ushered out several centuries of injustices.  America’s  history  from  late  1940s  through  the  early
                                                               1960s  was  a  crucial  time  for  this  country,  Several
        Today,  we  know  a  great  deal  about  Dr.  King’s  life   events occurred, some large and some seemingly minor,
        before the Civil Rights Movement. Briefly, we know     which helped set the environment for the Civil Rights
        he was a privileged child of a powerful middle-class   Movement to materialize, and the perfection of the 14
        Baptist Minister, ML King, Sr.                         Amendment to take place.

        We know he left the South for a then predominantly     First,  many  African  Americans  had  served  with
        white Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania,   distinction  and  honor  in World War  II. America  saw
        and then to Boston University to complete a Doctorate   this. At  a  time  when  joining  the  war  effort  was  the
        in Philosophy.  We know, too, that he declined to follow   ultimate  affirmation  of  patriotism,  America  saw  that
        his father’s footsteps to assume the pulpit at Ebenezer   black Americans were as committed to this nation as
        Baptist Church in Atlanta and chose instead the Dexter   any other group of people.
        Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama.
                                                               Black Americans have fought in every war in our country
        Although that story is normally and properly associated   and for our country since the American Revolutionary
        with  what  we’ve  come  to  celebrate  as  part  of  Black   War. And in the late 1940s, President Truman signed the
        History  Month  and  the  black  American’s  quest  for   executive order–Executive Order 9981–that effectively
        equality  in America,  it’s  much  more.  It  is  a  story  of   ended  racial  segregation  in  the  Armed  Forces.  With
        much broader dimensions.  While speaking of Black      a  stroke  of  a  pen  in  the  Oval  Office,  an  American
        Americans, the drama transcends artificial boundaries   President from Independence, Missouri, and a former
        of ethnicity and involves the rights of a whole nation.  artillery captain in World War I and for many powerful
                                                               politicians of his time, an accidental president ended
        It’s the story of America itself, of the mixing of ideas  racial segregation in the United States Armed Forces
        and ideals from around the world that forged the destiny  forever.  President Truman signed that Executive Order

                      F r en c h·a n d·E le c t r ic·B l ue·F e b r u a r y·2017·p a g e·18
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