Page 17 - February 2017
P. 17

Father Don Milligan is a priest of the Episcopal Diocese of  Springfield.  Originally from Worcester, he is a graduate of
        Massachusetts,  ordained  Dec  15,  1973.    He  served  many  Holy Name CCHS and Assumption College.  His seminary
        years in parishes in Taunton, Sharon, and Winthrop, MA.,   education was at the University of Louivain in Belgium and
        Linden,  N.J.,  Gary,  IN,  and  Ka’au,  Hawaii.  Father  Don  was ordained for Springfield in 1980.  While in Belgium and
        served  as  Fire  and  Police  Chaplain  in  every  one  of  those  returning home, Father Bill served as a chaplain for the U.S.
        cities.  On  September  11/12,  2001,  he  was  a  chaplain  to  Air Force Reserve, being honorably discharged with the rank
        the families who lost loved ones on AA Flt 11, and United  of Captain. Having served on the Ecumenical Commission of
        Flt. 175. He was one of 12 Chaplains invited by the IAAF  the Diocese and Patrimony committee, he served as Director
        and the Governor of New York to be part of the Search and  of the Office of Divine Worship and Ecclesiastical Secretary.
        Recovery mission at Ground Zero and one of 6 chaplains  He  holds  a  post  graduate  certificate  in  Liturgical  Studies
        invited to be part of the Recovery Unit at the Station Night  from University Notre Dame as well as post graduate studies
        Club fire in West Warwick, R.I. on Feb 20, 2003.  Father Don  at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.
        is the Official Chaplain of the Former Mass State Troopers  Presently, after several pastorates, he is serving as chaplain
        Association.  He is a certified first responder.  He is currently  to the Dominican Nuns at the Monastery of the Mother of
        a chaplain at the National Cemetery in Bourne, providing  God in West Springfield.  He has served as an EMT for 12
        daily burial services for veterans and their spouses.  He is  years and as a first responder.  He has many certifications in
        also a certified couselor in suicide intervention and suicide  suicide prevention, stress management, and PTSD.
        post-vention.  Father Don retired to Falmouth with his wife,
        where he is presently living and serving the Troop D area   A public safety chaplain for 35 years and currently is the
        and beyond.  A former coordinating chaplain for the MSP,   coordinating chaplain of the MSP Chaplain Corps.  Father
        Father Don has served steadfastly in the Chaplain Corps as   Bill  serves  with  our  EAU  team  as  well  as  the  Bureau  of
        well as the Massachusetts Corps of Fire Chaplains.  He has   Alcohol,  Tobacco,  Firearms  and  Explosives  for  the  New
        been  a  multi-faceted  and  disciplined  chaplain,  bringing  a   England  Field  Division,    their  SRT  and  CISM  in  critical
        unique quality to the men and women of the MSP. Father   incident  stress  managment.    He  also  serves  Easthampton
        Don is also a retired United States Air Force Veteran.    PD, Springfield PD, Chesterfield PD, Cummington PD as
                                                               well as Agawam, Chicopee, Easthampton and South Hadley
        Rabbi William (Bill) Hamilton  has served his congregation,  Dist.1 Fire Departments.  Father Bill is also a member of
        Kehillath  Israel  in  Brookline,  since  1995,  with  his  wife,  the Equestrian Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre,
        Debbie. He has two children; Avital, who will be graduating   holding the rank of Knight Commander.  Having served with
        from Ithaca College in May and  Kobi, who is in College in  the MSP since 1996, it has been his honor and privilege to be
        Herzliyah, Israel.  Rabbi Hamilton has also served Temple  of service to the men and women of the French and Electric
        Beth Abraham in Canton MA from 1990-1995.  He enjoys  Blue.
        reading, tennis, visiting Israel, and trying to be of service
        to others. It is his deep honor to have served the MSP since   Our Chaplains have served in many and wide varieties of
        2001.                                                  ministry and experiences which make them highly valuable
                                                               to the supportive mission of the Massachusetts State Police.
        The  Massachusetts  State  Police  is  probably  the  only  Each  serves  willingly  and  voluntarily  to  be  of  service  as
        department that has both a Rabbi and a Priest with the same  needed.  They are here for all the members, working and
        name.                                                  retired, of the MSP.  Never hesitate to call on them when
                                                               ever and where ever the need arises.
        Father William (Bill) Hamilton is a priest of the Diocese of

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