Page 6 - Q1 Newsletter
P. 6

Meeting With the Colonel

                                                               The Museum requested that the MSP, through Colonel
        On Thursday, February 22, 2018  members of the
                                                               Gilpin, issue  authorization for  any MSP items the
        Board of Directors of the Massachusetts State Police
                                                               Museum has in its possession remain on permanent
        Museum  and  Learning Center met  with  newly
                                                               loan from the Department. Colonel Gilpin was very
        appointed Colonel Kerry  Gilpin. The  Executive
                                                               receptive to the idea and the Board has high hopes
        Committee of the board, consisting  of President
                                                               that after the Department’s legal team reviews the
        Robert Cerra, Vice President Steven Byron, Treasurer
                                                               matter, the request will be  completed. The MSP
        Richard Belanger, Secretary Thomas  Turner, Clerk
                                                               legal  team was also presented and is reviewing
        Matthew Guarino and the Executive Director, Charlie
                                                               documents and letters from the donors of numerous
        Alejandro, were warmly received and invited into the
                                                               MSP antique vehicles in the hopes of turning them
        Colonel’s office. Colonel Gilpin was accompanied by
                                                               back  over to the Museum,  now  that  a safe place
        Deputy Superintendent, Lieutenant  Colonel Barry
                                                               for their display and storage has evolved from the
        O’Brien, her chief of staff, Detective Lieutenant Brian
                                                               original ideas of the Museum into an actual place.
        O’Riordan, and a member from the MSP legal team.
                                                                                             The Board was pleased
                                                                                             to    inform   Colonel
                                                                                             Gilpin of  the ongoing
                                                                                             efforts of the Museum
                                                                                             and  its volunteers,
                                                                                             including            its
                                                                                             temporary relocation
                                                                                             efforts,    restoration
                                                                                             efforts of the original
                                                                                             Grafton       Barracks
                                                                                             since  fire  damaged
                                                                                             the building and our
                                                                                             relationship       with
                                                                                             groups like the Former
                                                                                             Massachusetts State
                                                                                             Troopers  Association
                                                                                             and the MSP Wives.

                                                               The entire Board of Director’s extends its thanks to
        As some people are aware, the Museum began as an
                                                               Colonel Gilpin and her staff for taking the time out
        idea, not a place. Much of the Museums’ collections of
                                                               of their busy schedule to meet with representatives
        MSP gear and historical photos and documents were
                                                               from the Museum.  We would  like to thank  each
        largely retrieved from dumpsters  and trash bins;
                                                               member of the Department that  contributes to
        Outdated items no longer used in the daily duties
                                                               our efforts to keep the Museum and the history of
        of the MSP.  As such, the Museum  has numerous
                                                               the MSP alive. We would also like to remind each
        items that  were once MSP  property, and although
                                                               member of the MSP family that whether you have
        the items are no longer on the supply books and
                                                               four years on the job or forty, are a Trooper or the
        are largely forgotten after being  discarded, these
                                                               Colonel, each one of us is a proud part of the 153
        items still once belonged to the MSP, and the Board
                                                               year history of the Massachusetts State Police.
        of Directors  was seeking  to ensure there would
        be no conflicts concerning the ownership of these
        historical items, photos and documents.

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