Page 13 - Membership Guide
P. 13

                                                                                             REPORT     BY  BERT   ELY
                                                                                           The  Farm   Credit  System:
                                                                        Its  operations  nationally   and n   Colorado

                                                                                     PRODUCED      IN  PARTNERSHIP

        EXECUTIVE      SUMMARY                                 needed, and certainly would not be created
                                                               today, it continues to grow as it pushes
        The Farm Credit System, the first government  further and further into non-agricultural
        sponsored enterprise (GSE), was created                lending, including providing credit to large,
        almost a century ago to finance farm                   investor-owned enterprises hardly in need of
        mortgages that most commercial banks were              taxpayer-subsidized financing.  The time has
        either barred by law from providing or were            come for Congress to rein in the FCS.
        too small to safely finance.  Over time that
        rationale faded away as commercial banks               KEY   HIGHLIGHTS
        grew in size and were empowered to finance
        agricultural real estate.                              The FCS gets tax money to compete with
                                                               you – and that’s not its only advantage.
        Over the years Congress also granted the
        FCS broader lending powers, enabling it to             • If the FCS was a commercial banking
        become a nearly $300 billion behemoth,                 company, it would be the eighth-largest
        larger than almost every bank in the United            banking company in the United States – and
        States.  Even though the FCS is no longer              it’s still subsidized by taxpayers

            CBA STAFF
            DON CHILDEARS      

            JENIFER WALLER     
            Senior Vice President

            AMANDA AVERCH      
            Director of Communication
            MIKE BINTNER       
            Director of Membership

            LINDSAY MUNIZ      
            Executive Assistant
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