Page 14 - Membership Guide
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1.88% at the end of 2012, to 1.95% at the end of
     • The profits it generates from its real estate          2013, and to 2.25% at December 31, 2014
     lending activities are exempt from all corporate
     income taxes                                             • Even after adding in agricultural lending
                                                              in Colorado by banks headquartered outside
     • Profits from its non-real-estate lending               the state, the FCS clearly is the largest single
     activities are generally exempt from state and           agricultural lender in Colorado and most likely
     local income taxes                                       provides over half the agricultural credit for
                                                              Colorado farmers and ranchers
     • Many states have exempted the FCS from lien
     recordation fees and other fees and charges              The FCS plays by its own rules – and there are
     associated with lending                                  far fewer of them.

     • Combined, the FCS conservatively enjoyed a             • FCS is exempt from the Dodd-Frank Act and
     $2.3 billion taxpayer subsidy in 2014 – a $1.07          the Community Reinvestment Act
     billion interest subsidy (based on average debt          • FCS is exempt from laws governing the
     outstanding during 2014 of $214 billion) plus a          issuance of debt securities
     $1.2 billion income-tax subsidy
                                                              • FCS’ regulator, the Farm Credit
     • As a GSE, the FCS can borrow at very                   Administration (FCA) is not enforcing
     favorable interest rates – slightly higher than          congressionally imposed limitations on who the
     rates at which the U.S. Treasury borrows and at          FCS can lend to and for what purpose
     rates lower than what AAA-rated corporations
     can borrow                                               • FCA sees its mission as being supportive of
                                                              the FCS - It is not unfair to characterize the
     The FCS is expanding its reach in Colorado –             FCA as a “captured regulator,” in part because
     at your expense.                                         over time many of the members of its board of
                                                              directors have come from FCS institutions
     • Total FCS lending in Colorado has grown in
     recent years, from $3.61 billion December 31,
     2012, to $3.92 billion at the end of 2013, and to
     $4.89 billion at the end of 2014

     • FCS lending in Colorado, as a portion of total
     FCS lending, has grown in recent years, from

   Colorado Bankers Association
   One Sherman Place, 140 East 19th Avenue, Suite 400, Denver, CO 80203
   P 303.825.1575 |
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