Page 15 - Membership Guide
P. 15

                                                                                   R   E   P   O R   T  B   Y  M A   R   V   I   N  U M H O   L   T   Z
                                                       Colorado’s    Largest  Credit   Unions:Where     rhetoric  meets
                                                reality  and  why  credit  unions   must  relinquish   their  unmerited
                                                                                      perquisites   and  prerogatives

                                                                                     P   R O D U   C   E   D  I   N  P   A   R   T   N   E   R   S   H   I   P

         EXECUTIVE     SUMMARY                                  Despite statutes supposedly restricting
         Large  multi-branch,    full-service  Colorado         these credit unions to members who are in
         credit  unions  have   grown   to  be  mainstream      their field of membership (FOM), they are
         federally nsured     depository nstitutions            essentially available to anybody in the state,
         that  are ndistinguishable     from  commercial        regardless of where they work or how much
         banks  either  by  the  products   they  provide,      money they make.
         or  by  whom   they  serve.  Aside  from  their
         tax-subsidized    operations   and  separate           KEY   HIGHLIGHTS
         regulatory   treatment,   bank-like   credit  unions
         are  a  significant  competitive   force n   the       Colorado credit unions don’t want
         Colorado   financial  services   marketplace.          customers that share a common bond; they
                                                                want your customers. All of them.
         Unlike some credit unions, which remain
         committed to the traditional model of                  •Nearly every Colorado citizen is eligible
         serving a specific class of members                    to join one or more of Colorado’s 86 credit
         (customers), Colorado’s largest credit unions          unions headquartered in the state – and
         no longer focus on employees of a particular           many for out-of-state institutions

         business, industry sector, or income level.            •Colorado-headquartered credit unions’

            CBA STAFF
            DON CHILDEARS     

            JENIFER WALLER    
            Senior Vice President

            AMANDA AVERCH     
            Director of Communication
            MIKE BINTNER      
            Director of Membership

            LINDSAY MUNIZ     
            Executive Assistant
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