Page 220 - 如溪邊喬木40th 紀念特刊 _Neat
P. 220
Greeting 感謝的話
Susan Skoglund(Pacific and /許明遠牧師
Hawaiian Synod Moderator
太平洋和夏威夷區大會議長 個老人到山裡旅行,在溪流中發現
T 飢腸轆轆的年輕旅客,老人打開袋子,分享
hank you and good afternoon,
Pastor Hsu, members of this
congregation and special guests. I am 求老人將寶石送給他, 老人毫不猶豫地送
so pleased to be with you on this very 道這是一塊無價之寶, 足以讓他舒適享用
special occasion. I bring you greetings 一輩子,幾天後,他將這塊寶石還給老人,
and congratulations on your 40 th anni-
versary on behalf of the Synod of 他說:「我知道這是一塊無價之寶,但我想
Southern California and Hawaii and 還給你,希望你告訴我,什麼原因讓您願意
Presbyterian Women in the Synod. 將無價之寶的寶石送給我?」今天,柑縣教
We thank you for your 40 years of min-
istry with this Synod especially for 同工和弟兄姊妹, 毫不猶豫的將最好的分
your work within Taiwan, for your 享給柑縣教會,以致有今天的成果,若有機
English ministry with your youth and 會請您告訴我,為什麼您們在艱困的環境
for the strength of your Presbyterian 下,願意將最寶貝的獻給上帝與教會,我希
Women’s group. I know that when you 望能知道在您們心中真正的寶貝。
started this congregation you nested
within 2 different churches. I particu- 首先, 我要代表教會感謝過去在這裡牧會
larly admire that you in turn are allow- 過的牧師。
ing 2 Spanish congregations to worship
here in your building. 黃武東牧師: 1978 年元月柑縣教會正式成
I commend you for these 40 years of
faithful service to God and for the lives 會一年八個月,領導教會,牧養信徒,奠定
in which you have made a difference 堅固的基石。
during this time. I pray for many more
years of life for this congregation! To 葉高芳牧師: 1980 年八月聘請葉高芳牧師
God be the Glory. May it be so. 為本會第一任的主任牧師,在職二年半,盡