Page 216 - 如溪邊喬木40th 紀念特刊 _Neat
P. 216

Word of Encouragement

                                  Formosan Presbyterian Church of Orange County
                               on the Occasion of their 40th Anniversary April 21, 2018

                           Rev. Tom Cramer, Co-Executive Presbyter for Vision & Mission

                    o Pastor Ming Yuan Hsu, his wife and         breathe  grace  into  everybody’s  life  through
                    family, the session, and members of          the power of the Spirit.
             this congregation, it is an honor for Forrest
                                                                     In  my  former  church,  we  had  a  chil-
             and me to be with you on this special anni-
                                                                 dren’s and youth program called ‘Logos’ in
             versary  celebration  on  behalf  our  presby-
                                                                 which there was only one rule. It went like
             tery. Thank you for having us.
                                                                 this, “You are a child of God and I will treat
                 The apostle Paul offers two prayers in
                                                                 you that way.” Whether you were behaving
             Ephesians, the second of which I would like
                                                                 like an angel or like a spoiled brat, whether
             to read today on the occasion of your 40th
                                                                 you  were  paying  attention  in  choir  or
             Anniversary.  The  letter  is  written  while
             Paul  is  under  house  arrest  in  Rome  and       throwing spitballs at your friends (and I’m
             he’s  reflecting  on  all  the  great  things  he   not  just  talking  about  the  adult  volun-
             has experienced since the Risen Christ en-          teers ), we remembered out loud on a reg-
             countered him on the Road to Damascus.              ular  basis  that  the  same  Christ  who

                 Ephesians is a letter of praise and hope,       suffered and died for me also suffered and

             as Paul gives thanks for God’s initiative to        died for you.
             reach  out  to  all  people  with  love  and            This is Paul’s great insight in Ephesians.

             grace. In his first prayer, Paul asks that God      People  who  were  once  foreigners  and  al-
             give  the  Ephesians  the  “Spirit  of  wisdom      iens of each other become fellow members
             and  revelation”  so  that  they  may  know         of God’s household, not based on anything

             God better (1:17).                                  they had done, but based on what God had

                 For Paul, this is where the life of faith be-   done  in  Christ  on  their  behalf.  Jews,  Gen-
             gins, when people have their hearts opened          tiles, everyone was invited in.

             up through a direct encounter of God’s grace.           Repeatedly,  Paul  calls  this  work  of  the
             The God who pursued a person like Paul, a           Spirit  ‘a  mystery,’  something  which  is  be-
             person  who  was  ravaging  Christians  and         yond  human  comprehension,  but  is  worth

             shunning Gentiles, is the same God who can          living and dying for, because it changes the

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