Page 215 - 如溪邊喬木40th 紀念特刊 _Neat
P. 215
咱行) ,祂實在疼咱眾人, 咱著完成祂的聖工. 請咱來用疼來服事, 傳福音互人
攏知, 請咱行照咱耳所聽,
深信主名,深信主名,深信主名,請咱來用疼來服事, 傳福音互人攏知,請咱行
If we walk within His light He will guide each step we take. He will keep us in His sight
and bring us back if we go astray. When the road is dark and cold we will have His hand to
hold, and if we put our trust in Him, we'll see a brand new day begin.
Let us go and let us serve Him with a love for all to see. Let us show that we have heard
Him and we believe, yes we believe.
When we talk with Him in Prayer, He will hear each word we say.
When we're safe within His care , we know that He will show us the way.
There's no need to live in fear for our God is always near. Yes, He loves us everyone
and we must see His work is done.
Let us go and let us serve Him with a love for all to see.
Let us show that we have heard Him and we believe, yes we believe. Yes, we believe.
Let us go and let us serve Him with a love for all to see. Let us show that we have heard
Him and we believe, we believe. Yes we believe.
賀詞 Greeting Susan Skoglund, Elder
(Moderator of Synod of Southern California and Hawaii)
Rev. Forrest Claassen
(Los Ranchos Presbytery, Co-Executive and Stated Clerk)
葉高芳牧師 Rev. KaoFang Yeh
來自台灣的祝賀 Special Greeting from Taiwan 新泰教會 Taiwan Shin-Tai Church
歷史回顧 Slide show of Church History Isaiah Lee, Elder
感謝 Appreciation 許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
聖 詩* Hymn #538 我心大歡喜主站身邊 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine Congregation
祝 禱* Benediction 蔡一信牧師 Rev. Yi Shin Tsai
殿 樂 Postlude Mei Ling Hsu, Janice Hsu
*會眾起立,不方便者請留坐 (Those who are able please stand)