Page 219 - 如溪邊喬木40th 紀念特刊 _Neat
P. 219

And  with  this  variety,  you  are  showing

             us what Presbyterian worship looks like.
             The Presbytery does not look like it did
             forty years ago. It does not sound like it

             did forty years ago. And it does not even
             taste like it did forty years ago.

             Those  kind  of  changes  may  be  disap-
             pointing for some people who look and
             sound—and eat!—like I do. The news is                                    Rev. Forrest Claassen
             clear:  Americans  do  not  agree  on  what

             Americans should look like. And that is a
             sad thing.

             But  the  Bible  is  clearer:  God  declares
             what  the  Church  should  look  like.  And
             when I look at the Presbytery, and when

             I join you in celebrating your forty years
             of ministry here, I see the Church look-
             ing more and more like what God has in
             store  on  the  Day  of  Christ’s  final  tri-

             umph—a  great  multitude  that  no  one
             could count, from every nation, from all

             tribes and peoples and languages, stand-
             ing before the throne of God and before
             the Lamb, ascribing salvation and glory
             to God and to the Lamb. [see Rev. 7]

             As  you  gather  here  to  praise  Christ  in
             celebration, you teach us a little more of                                      Susan Skoglund

             who we are together as the Presbytery of            Thank  you  for  your  role  in  that  work.
             Los Ranchos. You teach us a little more             Thank you for your presence here. Thank
             of  who  we  are  together  as  the  Body  of       you for your last forty years, as faithful

             Christ.  And  you  help  us  become  more           partners  in  ministry  alongside  us  in  the
             like the Church that God plans for us to            Presbytery  of  Los  Ranchos.  May  you
             be, joyously together, for all eternity.            flourish even more over the next forty.

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