Page 214 - 如溪邊喬木40th 紀念特刊 _Neat
P. 214

and we will serve together in His name!
                        Let us join with one another, for we each have heard His call. Let us stand and work
                        together as we reach beyond these walls. For we know the Lord will sustain us.
                        He will be our constant guide as we go forth into all the world, our voices raised on
                        high.   We are the Church, we are God’s people,  and His word we faithfully proclaim.
                        We will join our hearts and hands as one  to see his work is done,
                        and we will serve together in His name! We are the Church,
                        and we will serve in His name!

                        在愛的大家庭,上帝的愛充滿,兄弟姊妹鄉親近, 同享上帝的恩典. 分享團契的喜
                        樂給每一個人, 向前來宣揚上帝的愛充滿各處,
                        我們是屬祂的子民,祂的聖會,傳揚祂的福音. 我們心連心、手聯手,

                        我們是屬祂的子民,祂的聖會,我們傳揚祂的福音. 我們心連心、手聯手,
                        同敬拜祂的聖名,見證祂的作為. 我們是屬祂的聖會,我們同見證祂的聖名

               勉勵 Words of Encouragement                                                     Rev. Tom Cramer

                                           【回應主愛 RESPOND TO HIS LOVE】

               奉 獻 Offering
                                   The special offering is for “Candidate Scholarship Fund”.
                                          Please make your check payable to: FPCOC
                                 今日所收奉獻將捐給 Los Ranchos 中會「新傳道獎學金」

               奉獻感謝* Offertory                                                                                                              Congregation

               獻 詩 Anthem                                咱來服事祂 Let Us Serve Him          SoCal  TPC Joint Choir

                        咱若行光明道路, 主會引導咱腳步,祂的手扶持看顧,時時帶領無得失錯.
                        就會享受日日平安. 請咱來用疼來服事, 傳福音互人攏知,請咱行照咱耳所聽,
                        深信主名,深信主名 .

                        咱著祈(咱著祈)禱閣認罪,祂欲聽咱逐句話. 當咱知(當咱知)有祂保護,祂的確會
                        指示咱的路. 今咱 m ̄  (今咱 m ̄ )免又驚惶(免又驚惶) ,因為主(因為主)有與咱行(有與

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