Page 212 - 如溪邊喬木40th 紀念特刊 _Neat
P. 212


                               A Worship Service on FPCOC 40th Anniversary

                                               Saturday, April 21, 2018

                                                        2:00 p.m.

                                             【讚美上主 PRAISE THE LORD】

               進場* Procession

               序 樂 Prelude                                                                  Mei Ling Hsu, Janice Hsu

               宣 召 Call to Worship(啟應 Responsive)                                                    Susy Chu, Elder

                           L  : This is the day that the Lord has made.
                        P  : Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
                        L  :  We have come together in our worship to celebrate.
                        P  : Let us celebrate the joy of our salvation that comes through Jesus Christ.
                        L  : Let us celebrate the grace and the guidance of the Lord.
                        P  : Let us celebrate the ever abiding presence of the Holy Spirit.
                                     Whose power renews and revitalizes our faith.


                        眾:咱來慶祝感謝上帝,通過耶穌基督賜 hō 咱救恩的喜樂



               讚 美  Song of Praise                                                                                                           Worship Team

               祈 禱  Invocation                                                           張宣信牧師 Rev. Billy Chang

               聖 詩* Hymn                                 #27  我主上帝 How Great Thou Art

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