Page 253 - 如溪邊喬木40th 紀念特刊 _Neat
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Taiwan. (Reference: See Taiwan Presbyterian Newspaper January 22, 1984. 臺灣教會公報 1664期)The
other example was a fishing boat project in south Puerto Rico providing grant to a group of fisher-
men to buy a boat for maintain their self-support of daily life. Dr. Lee has served as the Chair of In-
ternational Task Force for six years.
02. Between 1980s-1990s, Dr. Isaiah C. Lee was nominated by NCOSDP to represent our Gen-
eral Assembly to attend a one-week meeting of World Council of Churches held in Glion, Swit-
zerland. The meeting was to discuss the issue of uneven distribution of resources between
North Hemisphere and South Hemisphere of the earth and how to correct it. (Reference: WCC
Church and Society: Report and Background Papers Meeting of Working Group Glion, Switzer-
land, September 1987). Dr. Isaiah C. Lee was also selected as one of three delegates of our Gen-
eral Assembly to participate in a WCC Working Group to draft the world-wide policy papers re-
garding human development and human rights at the Institute of Christian Brothers in Rome.
Dr. Isaiah C. Lee was also representing our General Assembly to participate in the WCC Consul-
tation Meeting on Human Hunger and Food Issues in Washington D.C..
03. Between 1980 to 1981, Dr. Isaiah C. Lee was nominated by the Synod of Southern California
and Hawaii Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. to serve as the Moderator of Asian Presbyterian Council
of our Synod for two years. Dr. Lee assumed the leadership to serve the ten Asian ethnic-
language conferences of Cambodian, Chinese, Filipino, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Laotian,
Taiwanese, Thai, and Vietnamese. The purpose of APC is to be an effective instrument of Chris-
tian Mission in the Asian-American community. APC is also to serve as a bridge between Synod,
Presbyteries and local Asian American congregations in developing new churches, redevelop-
ing existing churches and planning and strategizing for other Asian-American ministries. APC
makes every effort to promote racial, cultural, and economic harmony and equality in church
and society. APC learns to foster cross-cultural and cross-ethnic communication and coopera-
tion among Asian-American Presbyterians of divergent ethnic origins, and among non-Asian
constituencies in the Synod. APC also developed a community service program of Asian Human
Care Concerns including Hotline Ministry of Telephone Counseling and Crisis Intervention for
Koreans. "Diakonia" Indonesian Fellowship to outreach the unchurched Indonesians in San Ga-
briel Valley. Vietnamese Resettlement Aid for Vietnamese.
04. In June 1982, Dr. Isaiah C. Lee was elected to serve as the Chair of Planning Committee for
1982 NAPC Conference to be held at California State University Long Beach from June 3 to 5,
1982. The Planning Committee included Secretary Ms. Dorothy Hamada, Treasurer Mr. James
Furuya, Members: Mr. Ben Acojido, Rev. Greg Chan, Rev. Nguyen Hai, Rev. Yusuke Hidaka, Rev.