Page 254 - 如溪邊喬木40th 紀念特刊 _Neat
P. 254
Elizabeth Kwon, Rev. Paul Louie, Mr. David Y. Nakagawa, Rev. Sang Bum Woo, Rev. Kao-Fang
Yeh. Ex Officio: Rev. Steve S. Shim. Coordinator: Rev. Kao-Fang Yeh.葉高芳 The Conference
Theme was set as Asian American Spirituality on the Move.亞長靈進。 The Conference was at-
tended by over three hundred people representing all Asian-American churches nation-wide
and locally and the church officers from the Synod and General Assembly. The Key Note speak-
ers for Main Theme were Dr. Art Kamitsuka and Dr. David Ng. The speakers for the Bible and
Asian American Spirituality were Rev. Yusuke Hidaka, Dr. Sang Hyun Lee and Rev. Wu-Tong
Hwang.黃武東。 the presenters for Asian American Spirituality with Visions were Ms. Katherine
Reyes presenting Japanese American Redress Issues, Rev. Wesley Woo presenting Asian Ameri-
can Theological Colloquium. There were seven workshops on Global Ministry, six workshops on
Congregational Ministry, seven workshops on Youth and Family Ministry. And one Youth As-
sembly - Who am I -Where Can I Be? facilitated by Rev. Yusuke Hidaka. The National APC Con-
ference was highly commended by all participants and church leaders. "Finally since specific
acknowledgement and appreciation for the sacrificial contributions of various individuals made
for this conference is elsewhere expressed by the Planning Committee, I would like to express a
deep appreciation only to Dr. Isaiah Lee as chairperson and his Planning Committee for the ex-
cellent and outstanding programmatic presentation and management to make this conference
possibly successful. Also, I would like to recognize the Southern California APC which is hosting
this historical conference in very generous way with taste, color and imagination..." by Steve S.
Shim, Chairperson, National Asian Presbyterian Council.
05. Since 1989, Ms. Josephine Y. Lu 沈雲冰 has diligently served on various committees and
task forces of our General Assembly Office, Synod of Southern California and Hawaii Presbyteri-
an Church, and Los Ranchos Presbytery. Her services to General Assembly included participa-
tion in the Task Force on Church Membership Growth in 1989, serving on Presbyterian Women
Church-wide Coordinating Team in 1991 to 1994, serving on Advisory Committee on Social
Witness Policy in 1998 to 2004, assuming leadership to promote the church-wide Presbyterian
Women Global Exchange Team to hold the global meetings in various cities in Brazil in 2005, in
which every three years, a group of Presbyterian Women travel to another part of the world to
hear the joys and pain that Christian sisters experience and to share faith stories and Christian
Ministry with one another. Ms. Josephine Y. Lu has served the position of Treasurer of National
Asian Presbyterian Council in 2010 to 2013. She is currently served as Moderator of National
Asian Presbyterian Women in the United States.
06. Ms. Josephine Y, Lu has also faithfully served on various committees of our Synod of South-
ern California and Hawaii Presbyterian Church including the Synod Nominating Committee in