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treated like words, surrounded by text, placed behind   touch-screen device or a plug-in device allowing use of
               or in front of text and more. Learn practical methods   a  stylus.  Learn  when  you  should  install  drivers  or
               for inserting a 3D model into your document—either   perform updates for this to work properly with Word.
               from Word's collection or your own assembled file—
               and  inserting  watermarks,  to  indicate  whether  it  is   MS-W-14 Word 2019: Structuring Documents
               official or confidential.

               MS-W-12 Word 2019: Shaping Documents               Duration: 31 minutes
                                                                  This  8-video  course  helps  learners  master  the  art  of
                                                                  shaping  a  Word  2019  document  by  using  sections,
               Duration: 42 minutes                               headers, and footers to set off ideas more clearly, and
               Word 2019 offers users a series of advanced tools to   how to insert page numbers in a document.  First, learn
               help your readers find the information they need from   how to use page breaks skillfully—by moving titles for
               your document. In this 10-video course, learners can   a new chapter onto the page where the chapter text
               explore  ways  to  structure  text  to  make  it  more   begins,  for  instance—and  how  to  use  a  keyboard
               readable.    First,  use  cover  pages,  tables  of  contents,   shortcut to accomplish this. Key topics covered in this
               and Quick Parts to set out your ideas more clearly. You   course  include  how  to  create  and  insert  custom
               will observe simple but effective ways to craft a cover   information  in  Word's  headers  and  footers;  how  to
               page, always a good way to give a brief, but relevant,   save  and  reuse  a  header,  and  insert  it  into  other
               summary of your document. Next, learn how to create   documents; and how to customize paragraph outlines
               an  effective  table  of  contents,  giving  your  reader  a   and the color, style, thickness, and locations of borders.
               great  way  to  navigate  your  document;  if  your   Observe how to use the border and fill tools to apply
               document  is  formatted  properly  with  titles  and   colors to your document and design interesting borders
               subtitles,  this  can  be  done  quickly  without  manual   to make your document more attractive. Next, learn
               insertions,  but  you  must  confirm  that  the  headings   the various ways you can change the page color and
               have been formatted correctly. Key topics covered here   surrounded  text  with  a  border—with  the  paragraph
               include how to insert bookmarks and captions, or short   tool set or the Design tab.
               descriptions that help readers identify contents of an
               illustration, graph, or table; using the cross-reference   MS-W-15 Word 2019: Using Research Tools
               function;  and  planning  and  restructuring  your
                                                                  Duration: 25 minutes
               MS-W-13      Word     2019:    Sharing    &        This 8-video course explores Smart Lookup, which can
                                                                  be used to organize your information in a document,
               Collaborating on a Document
                                                                  using a suite of tools available in Word 2019. You will
                                                                  learn how to use Smart Lookup to research a word,

               Duration: 38 minutes                               automatically have Bing provide you with definitions,
               Learners can explore how to share documents via e-  find more information, and extra content about that
               mail  or  upload  them  to  OneDrive  and  Sharepoint  to   word. You will then learn how to create a
               collaborate with other team members, in this 10-video   bibliography, and insert citations using the Citations
               course. Word 2019 allows users to send documents via   and Bibliography toolset. The course next
               links, by choosing with whom to share the link and even   demonstrates how to create a database of articles,
               adjust  editing  permission;  this  Word  version  comes   books, and journals which can then be used to insert
               with a chat feature to communicate with others in real   sources quickly and efficiently. You will learn how to
               time. Before sending a document via link, it must first   use the built-in translator tool, which will translate
               be  saved  to  OneDrive.  Learn  how  to  work     individual words, full sections, and even whole
               collaboratively  with  multiple  people,  meaning  that   documents. You will learn to how to insert and format
               changes  made  by  others  to  your  document  will  be   line numbers. Learners will observe how to use the
               highlighted in your version so you can keep track of any   footnotes tool, and the footnote style outbox launcher
               updates. Continue by observing how to use inking tools   to format, customize, and manage footnotes that will
               in Word, with the Draw tab, to add artistic elements to   be included in a document. Finally, this course
               documents;  how  to  use  different  pens  and  tools   demonstrates how to insert endnotes, and how to
               available in this tab; and when you must use either a   convert endnotes into footnotes.
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