Page 23 - Maintenance Course Catalog_MT
P. 23
Once your presentation is done, you can save, export, documents, and how to optimize documents with
and share it. Explore the methods for saving, backing accessibility and protection tools. You will learn how to
up, exporting, and protecting PowerPoint 2019 change what gets displayed on the Start page through
presentations. the various options offered by Word 2019. Key topics
covered here include how to change a document's
MS-P-13 PowerPoint 2019 (Windows): Using orientation from portrait to landscape; how to adjust
Multimedia in Presentations margins, the blank areas around the contents of a
document; and how to change a page size in Word
when printing documents other than A4. Next, you will
Duration: 1 Hour 21 minutes observe how Word allows you to insert information
Discover how to use Word 2019's formatting tools to automatically using data fields with Quick Parts. For
personalize a document’s properties in this 20-video instance, you can insert a document character or word
course. Word allows users to change the font, size, and count, filename or size, and much more—data pulled
formatting such as bold, italic, and underline options, automatically from properties and added to the text.
all giving the user greater control over the look and feel Learn how to check out a document if you want to
of a document. Key topics covered here include how to make edits without other people making changes.
change the font, size, and formatting of a document,
and how to use bold, italic, and underlining options MS-W-02 Word 2019 (Windows): Editing
effectively. First, observe how to use color, effects, and Documents
intuitive alignment tools to transform text quickly and
give the document a more readable appearance. Learn
about the use of such tools as double strikethrough and Duration: 1 Hour 6 minutes
small caps checkboxes. Then learn how to apply In this 17-video course, learners will explore Word’s
multiple formatting tools simultaneously in the same primary function: adding text to a document. Typing,
way. Continue by learning how to use Themes in Word, manipulating, and double-checking your text for
which combine different elements in text styles, accuracy is made easy with World 2019’s intuitive text
WordArt, SmartArt, and other features. You will also tools. Learn how to choose where to insert text, then
learn how to change paragraph spacing, using presets navigate or remove that text with the keyboard.
varying from Compact to more Open spacing, and how Learners will observe how to use special characters,
to set your theme as default. advanced AutoCorrect tools, and predefined AutoText
items to build out a document quickly. Key topics
MS-P-14 PowerPoint 2019 (Windows): covered here include how to move and reposition text
Sharing & Collaborating on a Presentation paragraphs manually; other ways to move words, lines,
and paragraphs; and the helpful use of keyboard
shortcuts; and practical uses of the undo function,
Duration: 26 minutes which allows replacement of deleted pictures,
PowerPoint 2019 enables you to easily share your paragraphs, and headings with the originals if you
presentations via email or upload them to OneDrive change your mind. Learn how to save various versions
and SharePoint to collaborate with your team. This of a document so that you can choose which version to
version of PowerPoint also comes with the ability to keep. Continue by observing how to configure your
leave comments and communicate with others via Spell Check feature, by choosing words to add to your
email, without leaving the application. dictionary, manage your dictionary settings, and
confirming that the set language matches the language
MS-W-01 Word 2019 (Windows): Creating, you are typing in.
Opening & Saving Documents
MS-W-03 Word 2019 (Windows): Formatting
Duration: 1 hour
Discover how to create, save, and open documents in
Word 2019 in this 16-video course. Learners will Duration: 1 Hour 21 minutes
observe how to use the Start page interface with its Discover how to use Word 2019's formatting tools to
simple layout, giving you access to old and new personalize a document’s properties in this 20-video
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