Page 24 - Maintenance Course Catalog_MT
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course. Word allows users to change the font, size, and   using  the  Navigation  Pane.  Key  topics  covered  here
               formatting such as bold, italic, and underline options,   include  how  to  use  wildcard  codes  to  perform
               all giving the user greater control over the look and feel   approximate  searches  in  Word;  how  to  search  for
               of a document. Key topics covered here include how to   variable  spellings,  specific  prefixes,  and  even  half-
               change the font, size, and formatting of a document,   complete  numbers;  and  how  to  use  the  Advanced
               and  how  to  use  bold,  italic,  and  underlining  options   Search options, which allow you to specify the word's
               effectively. First, observe how to use color, effects, and   case or format and even search for prefixes, suffixes or
               intuitive alignment tools to transform text quickly and   multiple forms of your search query. Observe how to
               give the document a more readable appearance. Learn   define  replacement  text  to  allow  quick  changes  to  a
               about the use of such tools as double strikethrough and   document.  Learn  the  special  uses  of  symbols—
               small  caps  checkboxes.  Then  learn  how  to  apply   including asterisks, square brackets, and exclamation
               multiple formatting tools simultaneously in the same   points—to  simplify  a  search.  Continue  by  observing
               way. Continue by learning how to use Themes in Word,   how to use Word Replace function to make systematic
               which  combine  different  elements  in  text  styles,   changes  to  a  document's  text—such  as  replacing
               WordArt, SmartArt, and other features. You will also   double hyphens with em dashes, or replacing French-
               learn how to change paragraph spacing, using presets   style quotation marks with normal quotation marks.
               varying from Compact to more Open spacing, and how
               to set your theme as default.                      MS-W-06  Word  2019:  Adding  Data  &
               MS-W-04 Word 2019 (Windows): Opening &
               Setting Up
                                                                  Duration: 28 minutes
                                                                  This  7-video  course  explores  how  to  enrich  a  Word
               Duration: 30 minutes                               2019 document by inserting content, charts, equations,
               This 8-video course offers learners a basic introduction   and how to add data from an Excel spreadsheet. You
               to finding and opening Word 2019. There are several   will learn how to access the AutoText and Quick Parts
               different  ways  you  can  access  Microsoft  Word:  first,   galleries to save and easily insert frequently used items
               you can find it with the other apps in the Start menu or   or groups of items into other documents. Then you will
               by searching, but you can also pin Word to the Start   learn to use for AutoText for smaller items like names
               menu or taskbar making accessing Word much quicker.   or numbers, while Quick Parts is used for larger items
               Once the app is open, learners can observe the Start   like  graphics.  Continue  by  learning  how  to  insert
               page interface to begin exploring what they can do with   equations directly into Word by copying an equation
               Word  2019.  For  ease  of  operation,  observe  how  to   from  an  online  source,  inserting  it  from  one  of  the
               create a desktop shortcut for Word; simply click and   presets, or by creating your own equation. Learners will
               drag  the  app  from  the  Start  menu  to  the  desktop.   observe  how  to  customize  a  chart,  and  manage  the
               Another option is to use the search bar at the bottom   data  table  without  using  a  separate  spreadsheet
               left of the screen to search for apps including Word,   application. You will observe how to customize a chart
               then click on the empty search field to activate it. The   by using Word's presets, and alter individual elements
               course  then  demonstrates  how  to  use  the  various   to give your chart a personal style. Finally, you will learn
               navigation tools available in Word; you will learn how   how to insert charts and tables from Excel to Word.
               to scroll, zoom, and use different view modes as you
               take control of your new workspace.                MS-W-07  Word  2019:  Configuring  the
               MS-W-05 Word 2019 (Windows): Using Find
               & Replace Tools
                                                                  Duration: 34 minutes
                                                                  Learners can explore ways to customize every aspect of
               Duration: 26 minutes                               the  Word  2019  application,  from  the  interface  and
               In this 7-video course, learners will explore handy tools   language, to input and save options, in this 10-video
               allowing  them  to  jump  to  essentially  any  point  in  a   course.  You  will  learn  how  to  manage  security
               document. Discover how to navigate between pages or   preferences, connect services, and application updates
               lines with the Go To tool or jump through headings by   from your account page. Then you will explore Add-ins,

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