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extensions  that  can  be  installed  to  increase   you are creating a survey, for example. The document
               productivity, and how to install, deactivate, and delete   with the drop-down menu will be available to anyone
               Add-ins.  You  will  continue  by  examining  some  of   who  has  been  sent  the  document.  This  course
               Word's  advanced  options  to  modify  many  of  the   continues by demonstrating how to use multiple choice
               program's display settings. You will also observe how to   lists in a form, and how to customize the appearance of
               customize  Word's  user  and  input  behavior,  including   the list. Finally, if you are sharing a form or survey, you
               the Mini Toolbar, and instant previews to improve your   will learn how to protect it from unauthorized changes,
               performance.  When  working  with  or  switching   which  will  allow  users  to  add  answers,  but  not  to
               between  languages,  learners  will  observe  how  to   modify the questions or other elements.
               access and update language settings in Word. You will
               learn how to adjust print options to print a document   MS-W-10  Word  2019:  Creating  Graphics  &
               in draft form, adjust scale settings, and how to print a   Diagrams
               double-sided  document.  Finally,  examine  the  Office
               ribbon,  the  most  important  element  in  Word,  which

               has all the tools used when creating a document.   Duration: 32 minutes
                                                                  Word 2019's graphics tools allow users to create charts
               MS-W-08 Word 2019: Creating Build Mailings         and diagrams to add visual impact to documents. This
                                                                  8-video  course demonstrates how to build diagrams,
                                                                  insert customizable SmartArt graphics, and transform
               Duration: 31 minutes                               data by using different chart types. Key topics covered
               This  9-video  course  explores  the  bulk  mail  tools   here include how to use the Selection Pane to manage
               available in Word 2019. You will learn how to use the   the objects in your document; how to organize your
               envelope creation tool to insert addresses, format the   objects from the Selection Pane by reordering them or
               style,  and  place  addresses  on  an  envelope.  You  will   get  a  clear  overview  by  hiding  or  showing  certain
               then learn how to create address labels, and how to   objects;  and  how  to  create  a  drawing  canvas,  which
               change  the  margins  and  dimensions.  Next,  you  will   provides  a  great  way  to  group  several  shapes  or
               learn to use the Mail Merge function, which allows data   objects. Once placed inside a canvas, several objects
               from a mailing list to be incorporated into a document   can then be treated as one large object. Observe how
               when you send bulk e-mails or letters. You will learn to   to insert a SmartArt graphic, by using the Word tool to
               create a list of addresses and contact information in   add  a  professional-looking  graphic  to  a  document;
               Word  for  a  mail  merge  document,  and  to  import  a   these graphics are predefined shape-based diagrams,
               mailing list from an Excel spreadsheet or MS Access file   but  are  also  highly  customizable.  Then  learn  how  to
               to use in a mail merge. Continue by learning how to   format your SmartArt graphic to make it stand out with
               edit, sort data, filter, and search your data in a contact   different shapes, styles, and text effects.
               list. You will learn to create bulk e-mails or letters with
               multiple  recipients.  Finally,  the  course  demonstrates   MS-W-11 Word 2019: Illustrating Documents
               how  to  create  simple  rules  to  change  elements,  for
               example, a greeting in a letter.

                                                                  Duration: 39 minutes
               MS-W-09 Word 2019: Creating Forms                  The old adage—a picture is worth a thousand words—
                                                                  is still worth following, for mages and illustrations often
                                                                  get a point across more effectively than text alone. This
               Duration: 19 minutes                               11-video course allows learners to explore the many
               Explore how to use and reuse forms in Word 2019 in   effective tools offered by Word 2019 to amplify text
               this  5-video  course.  Word  has  thousands  of  pre-  with  images,  videos  from  online  and  local  locations,
               formatted forms available for download, and you will   and custom equations. Learn how to create hyperlinks
               learn  to  use  them  to  create  forms  for  specific   to  other  sources  of  information  as  a  guide  to  your
               requirements.  You  will  also  observe  how  to  use   reader.  Key  topics  covered  here  include  the  use  of
               Navigation Pane to create a form, for instance, for a   universally recognized icons available in Word; various
               quotation, by using Word's built-in templates. You will   toolsets to help you choose the appropriate image; and
               learn  how  to  save  a  form  you  have  customized  as  a   how to use the Image styles feature. Observe how to
               template  for  future  use.  Next,  you  will  learn  how  to   adjust the text wrapping options of your document, if
               create drop-down menus within a word document, if   it  contains  images,  figures  or  icons;  images  can  be

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