Page 21 - Maintenance Course Catalog-MT
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MS-P-02  PowerPoint  2019  (Windows):
               Adding Data to Presentations                       Duration: 40 minutes
                                                                  PowerPoint 2019 allows you to take your presentation
                                                                  to the next level by creating diagrams, inserting shapes,

               Duration: 32 minutes                               and adding SmartArt graphics. Key concepts covered in
                                                                  this 10-video course include how to insert predefined
               If  you  would  like  to  present  data  in  a  table  or  from
               another  file,  PowerPoint  2019  gives  you  multiple   shapes  to  create  a  diagram  and  once  inserted,  to
               possibilities.  In  this  7-video  course,  learners  will   customize by changing dimensions, style, or adding text
               observe how to add tables to store and organize data,   to it; how to create custom shapes, as well as being able
                                                                  to design a shape with freehand tools; and how to add
               insert  files,  and  create  and  modify  equations.  Key
                                                                  fill effects to inserted shapes such as using block colors,
               concepts covered in this course include how to insert a
               table to display data in a presentation, which can add   applying gradients, adding pictures, and even bitmap
               structure to your data; how to use the alignment tools   textures. You will learn how to customize your shapes
               to format your table for better display or edit tables by   and  text  boxes  by  changing  the  border  styles,  by
                                                                  creating thicker lines, colored lines, and adjusting line
               inserting, resizing, and removing table elements; and
               how to insert a preset equation to display calculations   style;  how  to  add  effects  like  a  shadow  to  inserted
               in a presentation and to edit your equations by adding   shapes; and how to use the chart creation tool or insert
               special  characters.  You  will  learn  how  to  create  a   a  preexisting  chart  and  format  either  one.  Finally,
                                                                  learners  observe  how  to  insert  predefined  SmartArt
               custom equation within a presentation by using the Ink
                                                                  graphics  into  a presentation,  and  edit  it  by  changing
               Equation  tool  to  write  your  own  equations;  how  to
               import charts and tables from Excel; and how to insert   size  and  layout  and  change  the  format  by  modifying
               an existing file or newly created file of other formats   style and color.
               into your presentation.
                                                                  MS-P-05  PowerPoint  2019  (Windows):
               MS-P-03  PowerPoint  2019  (Windows):              Creating Presentations
               Configuring PowerPoint

                                                                  Duration: 54 minutes
                                                                  Create your slides, and finesse them like a pro. Discover
               Duration: 22 minutes
               Explore  different  ways  to  adjust  and  customize  the   how to use themes, create and manipulate slides, and
                                                                  work with slide elements in PowerPoint 2019.
               Presentation View in PowerPoint in this 5-video course,

               which demonstrates how the PowerPoint interface can
               be  customized  to  make  presentations  more  visually   MS-P-06  PowerPoint  2019  (Windows):
               appealing. This course demonstrates how to customize   Enhancing Presentation Designs
               the View interface, Quick Access Toolbar, and ribbon.
               You will learn to how to resize the size of each display
               section; to change the amount of space taken  up by   Duration: 42 minutes
               each element on your screen; to change the size of the   In order to help your presentation stand out, you can
               Slide pane; and to change the size of the thumbnails of   add  color,  modify  the  theme,  and  even  add  design
               your  slides.  This  course  demonstrates  how  to  obtain   elements  using  the  Designer  tool  with  PowerPoint
               Add-ins from the office store, and how install and use   2019.
               Add-ins. You will learn how to choose a different color
               scheme, change the Office background design, and how   MS-P-07  PowerPoint  2019  (Windows):
               to activate or deactivate certain tools. You will see how   Formatting Presentations
               to use Toolbar as a shortcut to access frequently used
               tools. Finally, learners will observe how to customize
               and use the PowerPoint ribbon.                     Duration: 37 minutes
                                                                  Once  you  start  adding  text  elements  to  your
               MS-P-04  PowerPoint  2019  (Windows):              presentation, you'll need to know how to format and
                                                                  organize  them.  See  how  to  adjust  your  text,  add
               Creating Graphics & Diagrams
                                                                  elements such as bullet lists and modify your paragraph
                                                                  settings within PowerPoint 2019.
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