Page 17 - Maintenance Course Catalog-MT
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you can use the map chart to plot values on a
geographic display.
MS-E-20 Excel 2019: Working with Excel
MS-E-18 Excel 2019: Working with Data in
Duration: 19 minutes
Duration: 29 minutes Excel tables are a useful tool for quickly managing,
Once your Excel PivotTables have been created, you analyzing, and manipulating data in a range. Once
will need to know how to manage and work with the
configured as a table, you can easily sort, filter, and
data contained within. In this 8-video course, learners
perform calculations on your data, as well as change its
will learn how to analyze, calculate, collaborate, and appearance and formatting. Key concepts covered in
more with Excel PivotTables. Key concepts covered in this 6-video course include how to convert a data range
this course include how to use a PivotTable to find into an table and edit its contents, giving you greater
trends and drill into data, adding extra levels of detail
control over the inserted information; and how to
and multiple value fields in a single table; how to use perform calculations and manipulate data in an table
the Data Model to work with data from multiple tables; such as create calculated columns to perform
and how to import existing database tables into the automatic calculations on data, quickly clean up your
Data Model and use them in a PivotTable. Next,
data with a sweep, and transform your data range into
learners will examine how to add Calculated fields that
a PivotTable. Learners continue by examining how
use already inserted data; how to use the Value field tables are highly customizable, as you learn how to use
settings to work with values for comparison formatting tools and styles to change the appearance
calculations; and how to see data from a PivotTable in of a table, then learn to customize the table settings
a PivotChart then customize and format the PivotChart.
and tools. Finally, you will learn how to use slicers
Finally, because a PivotTable is highly customizable,
which can be used to filter and manipulate data in a
you will observe how to configure and customize a table; and how to resize and format a slicer.
PivotTable's display and control settings.
MS-O-01 Outlook 2019 (Windows): Calendar
MS-E-19 Excel 2019: Working with Different
Chart Styles
Duration: 44 minutes
Duration: 1 Hour 4 minutes
Excel offers a variety of different chart types and styles Keep track of events, meetings, and appointments in
for presenting and analyzing data in attractive and Outlook for Office 2019 by using the calendar function.
interesting ways. Learn how to insert, format, and
In this 15-video course, learners will discover how to
manipulate Pie, Radar, Scatter, Bubble, Map, and
configure a calendar; create and organize events and
Combo charts. Key concepts covered in this 6-video meetings; add, import, and export calendars; and work
course include how to insert and edit pie charts, helpful with tasks. Begin with an overview of the calendar, and
when working with percentages; how to create and then learn how to create a one-off or recurring event.
edit scatter charts be used to cross-reference values
Outlook's meeting function allows you to propose and
and combine different data types; land how to create
schedule a meeting, while at the same time send e-mail
and edit a bubble chart used to cross-reference three invitations to your intended participants. Discover how
different types of information in a single chart. to do this along with managing your meetings. You will
Continue by learning how to create and edit radar explore how to create events from your e-mail; create
charts, which can be used to plot five different data
a calendar, and import and export a calendar. Also,
values, and how to combine two types of chart by using observe how to manage multiple calendars; print a
the combo chart which you can use to create a graphic calendar and save as a PDF, and configure your
that combines multiple data types. Finally, you will calendar. Discover how to create a task with Outlook's
observe how to create and edit a map chart for To-Do List function; assign a task; and then organize
situations when you have data relating to locations, so
your tasks. Finally, observe how to customize tasks.
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