Page 16 - Maintenance Course Catalog-MT
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Continue by learning how to use the Goal Seek tool to   entries  for  changes  and  errors;  how  to  activate  and
               modify a data variable and reach a target value; how to   configure automatic updates; and how to use formula
               use  the  Solver  add-in  to  analyze  constraints  and   auditing tools to track data.
               variables and optimize data values; and how to insert a
               Forecast worksheet to display trends and predictions   MS-E-16  Excel  2019:  Sorting  and  Filtering
               based on available historic data. Finally, observe how   Data
               to  use  Data  Tables  to  create  what  if,  variable-based
               scenarios, and once created, learn to adjust the values

               and change the calculation options.                Duration: 38 minutes
                                                                  The first step in analyzing the data in a worksheet is
               MS-E-14 Excel 2019: Inserting PivotTables          often  taken  with  Excel's  sorting  and  filtering  tools.
                                                                  These  tools  help  you  to  control  what  is  displayed  in
                                                                  your data range, and how the values are organized. Key
               Duration: 32 minutes                               concepts covered in this 10-video course include how
               Excel  includes  powerful  tools  to  summarize,  sort,   to sort data in a worksheet according to a specific data
               count, and chart data. In this 11-video course, you will   type; how to customize sort options when sorting data
               learn how to create, edit, and format pivot tables, sort,   in a worksheet and sort data by using multiple criteria
               filter,  and  group  data,  and  work  with  slicers  and   and sort levels; and how to create and use custom sort
               timelines. Key concepts covered in this course include   lists to sort data. Next, learn how to use column filters
               how to create and insert a PivotTable; how to edit the   to filter data in a worksheet; to use column filters to
               source data and field setup in a PivotTable; how to use   apply  multiple  filters  to  data  in  a  worksheet;  and  to
               predefined styles and formatting tools to change the   create filter arguments by using text and number data
               appearance of a PivotTable; and how to copy and move   types. Finally, you will learn to sort and filter data by
               a PivotTable within a workbook. Next, learn how to use   using colors applied to data; learn to use the advanced
               sort tools to change the display of data; how to use   filter tools to filter and extract data; and learn to use
               filter tools to show and hide data; and how to use label   filter tools to hide duplicate values in a data range.
               and value filters to analyze data. Finally, learn how to
               use group tools to sort and analyze related data and use   MS-E-17  Excel  2019:  Using  Conditional
               a slicer to filter data; examine how to customize the   Formulas
               behavior and appearance of a slicer; and observe how
               to customize the behavior and appearance of a slicer.

                                                                  Duration: 39 minutes
               MS-E-15 Excel 2019: Referencing Data               Conditional formulas let you perform a calculation on a
                                                                  range of values by specifying the criteria the data must
                                                                  meet. Discover how to use built-in conditional formulas
               Duration: 44 minutes                               and  create  your  own  in  this  8-video  course.  Key
               Manipulating data in Excel begins with knowing how to
                                                                  concepts covered in this course include how to insert a
               reference cells. This involves using cell coordinates to
                                                                  conditional sum formula to perform a sum calculation
               extract  the  specified  cells  value.  You  can  reference   on certain data values in your range; how to insert a
               individual cells, a range of cells and entire columns and   conditional  message  formula  which  can  be  used  to
               rows. In this 10-video course, you will discover absolute   display one message if a condition is met, and another
               and  relative  cell  references,  by  using  data  across
                                                                  if a condition is not met; and how to perform complex
               multiple  worksheets,  and  formula  auditing  in  Excel
                                                                  conditional  formulas  to  create  conditions  based  on
               2019. Key concepts covered in this course include how   calculations  and  analyze  your  data  in  a  variety  of
               to reference cells in your Excel worksheet; how to use   different ways. Learners will continue by observing how
               data across multiple worksheets to reference data for   to create multiple conditions; how to use IF & OR in
               formulas; and how to define absolute and relative cell
                                                                  conditional  formulas;  and  how  to  use  conditional
               references. Next, you will learn how to create named   formulas  to  count  up  value  occurrences.  Finally,  you
               ranges to refer to data and facilitate calculations; how   will  learn  to  use  reference  positions  in  conditional
               to use the Name Manager to visualize, edit, and delete   formulas; and learn how to keep your table up to date
               existing  named  ranges;  and  how  to  perform    with conditional formulas.
               calculations using constant values. Finally, learn how to

               use  cell  references  indirectly;  how  to  monitor  data
               12 | P a g e                                                                     1 0 . 1 4 . 2 0
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