Page 14 - The Hope Springs Gang Battle The Black Swamp Monster
P. 14

Meanwhile, Dodger decided it was just a tad too warm still and he

             might go back to the house and lie down in the cool and wait for


             Chloe who was lying under a lovely shady tree – decided she didn’t
             need to concern herself with whatever silliness the Gang were up to

             now.  I’ll just stay here and stay beautiful, she thought to herself.

             BJ who has been off doing his own little BJ thing as he was inclined

             to do, looked up when he heard all the noise.  Mmm, he thought.  I
             wonder what they’re all doing.  Oh Well, Dum-de-dum-de-

             dum…………I’ll just keep doing my own little BJ thing over here.

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