Page 15 - The Hope Springs Gang Battle The Black Swamp Monster
P. 15
Bonsai Ninja who had been way over yonder barking at the
Emu, Oscar, quietened for a moment and lifted his head and
cocked it toward all the noisy splashing that was coming from
the creek puddle.
I really think this sounds like
I really think this sounds like
something that is likely to
something that is likely to
require my Ninja moves, he
require my Ninja moves, he
thought. I’d better get over
thought. I’d better get over
there quick-smart, and he set
there quick-smart, and he set
off with intent as fast as his
off with intent as fast as his
very little legs could carry
very little legs could carry him.
He arrived just in time to see
He arrived just in time to see
a dark, slimy black swamp
a dark, slimy black swamp
monster arising from the
monster arising from the
middle of the dark creek
middle of the dark creek water
water puddle.
Ooh, I’d better Ninja that, he thought! And he hightailed it
Ooh, I’d better Ninja that, he thought! And he hightailed it
down the bank and scampered across the rocks. “Look out,
down the bank and scampered across the rocks. “Look out,
Swamp Monster, I’m coming for you”, said Bonsai. “You can’t
Swamp Monster, I’m coming for you”, said Bonsai. “You can’t
defeat me; my Ninja moves will fix you”
defeat me; my Ninja moves will fix you!”
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