Page 11 - Oct2020
P. 11

These unstable, noisy, overly sensitive devices can make one   When I started in aviation as a military student pilot in 1965, my
  feel rather insecure and appear totally incompetent.  I should   annual income was about $5300 a year and now I make far
  have felt embarrassed by my performance (or lack thereof), but,  more than a senior airline captain.  The point is that it takes a
  I was enthralled!  Ahah! A new challenge.  Around that time, the   long time to get into the higher income level, but, if you work
  RCAF/CAF was re-jigging the training program to adapt to    hard and diversify your skill set you can excel in an aviation
  modern aviation and the school was closed in 1969 and all   environment. To paraphrase the military, “Be the best you can
  instructors were rewarded with their choice of postings.  Most   be.”
  chose multi engine postings because they were planning to   So, should a flying career constitute the “be all and end all” of
  eventually join the airlines. Back in those days, it was the career   everyone’s dreams? No!  There are some caveats that you
  of choice. (This is not nearly as true nowadays as the shortage of   should consider as there are many “prices” to pay if you and
  applicants for the heavy metal proves.)  Three years of teaching   your lifestyle are not suited to this endeavour.  Firstly, most
  multi engine, cross country, IFR convinced me that I really   flying jobs are somewhat dangerous and losing pilot friends is
  wanted to fly – not simply sit behind an autopilot for hours with   not uncommon – my room mate in RCAF training was my first
  very little actual hand flying.  Rotary wing operations led to   lost soul.  It takes years to get enough experience for the
  decades of employment and flying over a hundred helicopter   relatively safe careers in the airlines and corporate aviation.
  types. Much of the time was invested visiting many countries   Secondly, marriages often fail for pilots due to time away from
  teaching mostly military pilots how to fight fires with these   home for long periods of time and wives (or house husbands)
  “fling-wings.”  The aerodynamics of helicopters is somewhat   can become frustrated taking care of home and children by
  complex, but, some experts suggest they can fly because they
                                                              themselves.  Also, long periods of time away from one’s spouse
  are so ugly, the earth repels them….  Others say they are 300   often leads to infidelities and divorces.  One wants to marry a
  aerodynamic mistakes cancelling each other out. I say they are   strong spouse who can handle the burden at home – alone.
  the ultimate challenge in commercial bush operations.
                                                              Luck blessed me in this regard and allowed me to concentrate
                                                              on the career.  Additionally, one must keep healthy in order to
                                                              maintain professional pilot medical levels.  Losing one’s pilot
                                                              medical can severely affect the income stream.
                                                              There are many issues that can ground a pilot – for instance,
                                                              one you might not expect is depression.
                                                              If the above issues could surface in your life, you might want to
                                                              consider the alternate solution I recommend to would be
                                                              aviators in motivational talks. Namely, get a degree in a career
                                                              like computer electronics/programming/marketing – whatever.
  It seems that more than a half century of flying professionally
  was not enough.  Since no amount of flying seemed to be     Then, take some of the excess money you will be making and
                                                              buy your own plane and be your own aviation boss.  That may
  enough, sixteen personal aircraft over time have allowed me to
  fly at my whim.  My current airplane is the one I love the most   not be the answer you were looking for, but, it is honest and
                                                              worthy of consideration.  Since I am an aged crispy critter, the
  and led me into the last 20 years of ownership and soaring   computer epoch came before my time and my potential success
  operations.  After 16,000 hours of hand flying heavier than air
                                                              in that area would be questionable.  Besides, my mother used to
  machines, the last challenge to cross my path was the result of a   say if I had a brain cell, it would be lonely.
  glider flight in an amazing Stemme motorglider.  With its 79 foot
  wingspan, this bird has a glide ratio of 49/1.  This means from an  In conclusion, if you think a dragster or a Harley are big turn ons
  altitude of one mile above ground this gorgeous bird can reach   for power and speed, try strapping your buns to a military
  landing areas in a 308 square mile circle! (A Cessna with an 8.5   fighter or even a business jet and you will look down your nose
  to 1 L/D would reach 53 square miles.)  The result? I bought a   at all those others.  If you would like a lifestyle where you can
  “touring” motorglider! My Diamond Katana Xtreme is          have a God-like view of scenery from a perch that is awe
  essentially a conventionally geared version of the Katana with a   inspiring – try aviation.  If you like challenging work, living closer
  55 foot wingspan.  After two decades with this bird and 1300   to the edge, try bush flying.  But, don’t overlook the alternate
  hours of soaring, it has been the ultimate in flying for me   possibility that you might be the next Bill Gates.  Alternatively,
  requiring accurate flying to find the lift to keep it up.  While I no   you might be like one of Microsoft’s presidents – the late Paul
  longer make my income by professional flying - but rather by   Allen owned more than 20 planes – one of which is the world’s
  providing expert opinions on accident reconstruction, it is   largest aircraft.
  important to own my own aircraft so I can fly where, when and
                                                              The sky may be the limit – but, you can go for it – if it is right for
  how I want (within the regulations).  It also keeps me current.    you!
  For me, this is the apex of the aviation pyramid.
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