Page 8 - Oct2020
P. 8

Movie Pick of the Month

            Airfield Canada Making Progress on

          Airfield Canada produces high-quality, realistic add-on
               airports for the flight simulator X-Plane 11.

                                                                 In May 1940 eighteen-year old Geoffrey Wellum joins
                                                                 the 92 squadron of the Royal Air Force and is taken to
                                                                 the pub,where pilots who have seen action sign their
                                                                 names on a blackboard. Next day,with no flying
                                                                 experience,he is expected to pilot a Spitfire;he is nervous

                                                                 but exhilarated. Soon he is seeing action against the
          Scenery developer Airfield Canada reports they are
                                                                 Luftwaffe,his sense of duty dispelling fear,and,having
          “getting close” on their Halifax CYHZ scenery for X-
                                                                 taken part in the Battle of Britain,is awarded a
          Plane 11, and eventually for Prepar3D.
                                                                 medal,though he never signs the blackboard. By 1941 he
                                                                 has flown fifty missions and feels invincible,though he
                                                                 sees friends die and in 1942 the stress causes him to
                                                                 have a breakdown. However he survives the war and,in
                                                                 the present,talks direct to camera,voicing his feelings
                                                                 about his service experiences.

          The new screenshots only show discrete buildings and
          do not give any overall looks of the airport.

                                                                 The Canadian Air Transport Security Authority is a Crown
                                                                 corporation responsible for securing specific elements of
                                                                 the air transportation system – from passenger and
                                                                 baggage screening to screening airport workers.

                                                                 As of July 30, if you are travelling from Vancouver, Calgary

                                                                 Toronto-Pearson or Montreal airports, you must undergo
                                                                 Mandatory temperature screening before entering
                                                                 security screening.
                                                                 Here are some other changes we’ve made at the
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