Page 3 - Oct2020
P. 3

We've Moved!

                                                                     RESTORATION PROJECT: A 1950’S
             We are very excited to have finally completed                 CESSNA 180 FLOATPLANE
             our move into a new warehouse and office -
             what we will be calling home until the new
             Museum is complete in 2021.  The warehouse
             on Church Avenue allows us to work on
             aircraft restoration, collections conservation,
             and new exhibits.  It also houses our
             administrative offices.

             The Border office has now officially closed -       NOVEMBER 2019:  With 2 wrecked fuselages and other
             our new address is:                                 used/damaged parts to build a replica Cessna 180 model
                1431 Church Ave, Winnipeg, MB R2X 1G5            plane, the project begins! Tom Coates and Dorrin
                     Business Hours: 8:00am - 4pm                Wallace were instrumental in obtaining
                          Phone: 204-786-5503                    repurposed/damaged parts.  As well, an experienced
                 This is our new mailing address - please        (retired) Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME), Bud
                          update your records!                   Mowery having a long work history in Northern
                                                                 Saskatchewan of all types of aircraft volunteered to work
                 Visitors who need to meet with staff are        on this project.  Dismantled portions of the 2 wrecks
              encouraged to book an appointment ahead of
                                                                 salvaging parts of the fuselage to use toward building
               Note that the warehouse is not open to the        January 2020:  After many volunteer hours the replica
                                                                 build slowly starts to resemble an aircraft, but still has a
                                                                 long way to go. At this stage it has taken parts of five

                      Construction Update                        different fuselages to get to this stage. Progress is slow
                  Structural Steel Installation                  going as the parts volunteers work with, for the most
                                                                 part, if not all need some kind of repair prior being fitted
             PCL is now installing the structural steel, or the
                                                                 to the aircraft.
             'bones,' of the new Museum building.  At this
             stage in construction, you can expect to see a      February 2020:  Good progress made! Doors have been
             lot of progress in a short amount of time.  If      fitted, side windows installed as well the former paint
             you have the chance to drive by the airport,        scheme stripped with the nose cowling.
             you'll be stunned by how large the structure        MARCH TO MAY 2020:  With the Covid-19 pandemic
             has already become.  Structural steel being
                                                                 upon us in March, the museum was temporarily closed.
             installed on-site, August 2020.
                                                                 This as well suspended the work on this project.
                                                                 However, our AME (Bud) being bored at home after a
                                                                 while returned to the restoration workshop off and on,
                                                                 and worked alone to help the project move forward.
                                                                 JUNE  TO PRESENT 2020:  Stay tuned! We’re have made
                                                                 progress but it’s slow motion.  With Covid-19 social
                                                                 distancing guidelines, it may well be sometime before
                                                                 multiple volunteers can work together on this project.
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