Page 4 - Oct2020
P. 4

Letters to the Editor                     Now they were headed for Nanaimo where they got
                                                                 their weapons training.  The army had established a large
          Hi Tim, I was very impressed with your offering.  This   shooting and artillery range just North of Nanaimo as it
          is the first I have seen it and was unaware of your
                                                                 would have been too dangerous to hold that training in
                                                                 the suburb of Burnaby. Following that training, they
          Best wishes, Ken
                                                                 embarked by train across Canada to New Brunswick
          Thanks for your comments Ken.  Hope you continue to  where they spent the better part of a year, bivouaced
          enjoy our future issues.                               and waiting for new orders.
                                                                 Tony survived the war without a scratch, which was rare
          Hi Tim, I hope this note finds you well and 'covid-free'.
          This had been a very strange year to say the least.  But   because he saw action in Italy, Belgium, Holland and
                                                                 Germany. I wish his younger brother Ed could have had
          I do look forward to receiving your E-zine and always
                                                                 the same kind of good fortune.
          read it cover to cover.
                                                                 Anyhow, I thought I would just touch base and tell you
          Thank you again.                                       about this amazing connection.

          I had to write after seeing the picture titled Wait For   Thank you again for the magazine. I hope you and your
          Me Daddy which appeared on page 13 of this month's     friends in your "bubble" are well and safe,
          magazine.  You will remember our work on the Sky       Bryan
          Lancers tribute and my uncle, Ed Welters.  Well, in    Bryan, thank you so much for adding a personal touch to
          that picture, the man marching directly behind Jack    the story.
          Bernard was another of my uncles, Tony Welters,
          older brother of Ed Welters.                           Thanks Tim, Great work.
                                                                 Bill Jackson
          He can be seen with a wry smile on his face, carrying   Thanks Bill, Glad you enjoyed it!
          his rifle and smiling at 'Whitey' Bernard.  I am not sure

          if this is the first time you have showed brothers in
          your magazine in different issues and different parts   Tim, Outstanding!  Thank you!! Peter
          of our armed services.                                 Peter, Thanks for the kind words.

                                                                 Hope you continue to enjoy future issues.

          The captions and articles on this picture indicate that
                                                                 The Historical Aviation Film Unit (HAFU) produces high
          these men were headed for a ship to take them off to   quality photos and video footage of aviation, military
          war overseas.  Well, in a manner of speaking I guess
                                                                 vehicle, history and motorsport activities and vehicles,
          this was right.  The troop boarded a train in New
                                                                 and publishes the material for the enjoyment of
          Westminster that took them to the waterfront in        enthusiasts worldwide.  Watch our Historical Machines
                                                                 TV video channel with over 1000 free-to-view videos by
          There they boarded a CP ship that took them across     clicking the           icon, or click below to view our
          the seas to Nanaimo, a distance of about 25 miles.     most recently released videos.
          The story is that these men had just finished basic
          training at the barracks up in Burnaby.
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