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Prairie Planes                                    October 2020                        Vol 5 Issue 10
                                     by Tim Munro

                                                                Ed W. "Too Tall" Freeman

                                                                Canadian Aviation Historical Society -
                                                                MEN WANTED FOR R.C.A.F. CITY SQUADRON

                                                                MS Flight Simulator – Hone your skills
                                                                Flight Sim- MS Flight Sim 2020

                                                                Canadian Aerospace Artists – Artist of the Month

                                                                Useless Aviation Facts
                   Table of Contents
                                                                Upcoming Events around the Country
                                                                Company Profiles – Prairie Aircraft

     Royal Aviation Museum – We’ve Moved                        Photo of the Month – NorCanAir Bristol Freighter
     Saskatchewan Aviation Museum &Learning Centre              OctoberCalendar Photo - by Tim Munro

     Letters to the Editor                                      Kid’s Corner

     Historical Aviation Film Unit (HAFU)                       -  Plane Cutout
     Calgary Mosquito Society – Help Wanted!                    -  Colouring Pages
                                                                -  Maze Puzzle
     EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2021- Buy your tickets now!
                                                                -  Kids Facts
     Bush Plane Heritage Centre – Traveller’s Choice
                                                                Cover Photo:

     700 “City of Edmonton” Wing
     Alberta Aviation Museum-

     Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum

     Model Aces –Painting panel lines
     Bomber Command Museum                                                                       Dave Gillespie
                                                                Till next month.
     Fly Away –
     Movie of the Month – First Light

     Canadian Air Transport Security Authority
     What Attracted me to Flying by Ken Armstrong

     B.C. Aviation Museum- A one of a kind Aircraft!

                                                                The November issue will be a remembrance issue to
                                                                those that have served us in so many ways.  If you have
                                                                a photo and/or story you would like to share with the
                                                                readers, please send me the information by October
                                                                20  so that it can be included in the November issue.
                                                                Blue Skies,
                                                                Tim Munro,
                                                                Owner, Publisher
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