Page 6 - Oct2020
P. 6

  All visitors will be required to use hand sanitizer
                                                                     when they enter the building.  The museum will also
                                                                     make this available a few locations throughout our

                                                                   The museum has set up a one-directional traffic flow
                                                                     throughout the museum.  This will ensure that
                                                                     patrons maintain social distancing at close pinch
                                                                     points.  We ask that patrons respect the traffic

                                                                     signage and barriers that have been established for
                                                                     everyone’s safety.
            NOTE: During your visit, please be aware that our
          hands-on exhibits, flight simulators, and restoration     We recommend that patrons plan any bathroom
          department are temporarily closed to the public. We        breaks PRIOR to visiting our facility.  While our public
                    apologize for this inconvenience.                washrooms are regularly cleaned and available to
                                                                     the public, proactive planning can further reduce any

                                                                   As of August 1st, in accordance with Edmonton City
                                                                     Bylaw 19408, ALL museum patrons and staff are
                                                                     required to wear face coverings to be admitted into
                                                                     our facility. (Updated July 29, 2020)

                                                                 We look forward to seeing you at your chosen ticket
                                                                 time slot.  If you have any questions or concerns, please
                                                                 don’t hesitate to contact us at
          Planning to make the Alberta Aviation Museum a
          destination as part of your summer planning? Have      Sincerely,
          you secured timed-entry tickets for the experience?    The Alberta Aviation Museum Team
          (Tickets on sale June 30th)

          In light of COVID-19, we are taking the necessary

          precautions to ensure that your health and safety are
          our top priority.
          Please take the time to review the following safety
          measures and expectations prior to your visit.  This
          will help us warrant a safe and enjoyable experience
          for all:
            Please try your best to arrive within your allotted

              timed-entry.  This will ensure an efficient flow
              through our facility’s admission and hand          The Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum and
              sanitization stations.  Our new maximum capacity   RCAF WWII Memorial (Hangar #1, Brandon Municipal
              is 50 visitors, and our timed-entry system helps us  Airport) will change to winter hours on September 1st
              remain in compliance to this rule.  Refunds or     being open from 1pm to 4pm, seven days a week.
              time-slot exchanges will not be available at this   As  a  responsible  member  of  the  community,  the
              time.                                              Commonwealth  Air  Training  Plan  Museum  is
                                                                 actively  encouraging  social  distancing  and  we  are
            When you arrive at the museum, a staff member
                                                                 limiting the number of visitors inside the museum to 10
              will take you through Alberta Health Service’s     at one time.
              quick checklist of questions to ensure that you are
                                                                 All visitors must wear a mask while touring the
              not currently displaying symptoms that would
              make it unsafe for you to visit.
                                                                 For more information call the museum at 727-2444.
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