Page 13 - May 2020
P. 13
He noticed that the complete tail-rotor gear box
was missing, as was one blade. I hadn’t hit
anything, but it’s interesting how one person’s
actions, somewhere else, can affect another’s
life…or death.
Over my flying career, I had many opportunities to Peter was standing up in the water, beside the
discuss a multitude of Emergency procedures, with “my helicopter and I was amazed, because, (I would
brothers”. What’s The Best Thing To Do In This Case, or have drowned), if I had been standing, where he
how did he handle it, or Did she survive, or “Why”, or was. He’s about 6 ft. 6’’ and I’m sure the water
“How”? would have been over my nose! After studying
the fact that Peter was already “All Wet” and I
Most experienced helicopter pilots that are operating
was still “Dry”, a further discussion began
over water. If they Have The Choice, such as a pilot
filling a bucket or similar fire fighting tank, will select Peter was rather amused at my suggestion,
an area that has a depth of water, that is sufficient to however he did agree to, (give it a try). I
Only Fill the Bucket. Water that is “deeper” than the gathered up our emergency radio, some dry
depth necessary is not only wasted but can become cover-alls, camera and other basic survival
dangerous to your health. “Yes”, I had been picking up equipment and climbed down the side of the
water, just over a Sand Bar, in the river and I was very helicopter, (right onto Peter’s shoulders). I
fortunate to have her settle onto the edge of that sand squatted and held onto the top of his blonde
bar, just where it dropped off into much deeper water. head. It did take a little coaxing and as I didn’t
want to resort to “spurs”, at this point, I was
Let’s get to the Funny Part! If you’re a helicopter pilot
glad when Peter finally pulled his foot out of
and have Been There, Done That, Seen That, or
Survived That; then there must have been “some the mud and started to move towards shore.
funny parts too”! Everything was Going Great and I was encouraging
Peter with all kinds of offers like, I’ll buy you a steak
Just after I had shut down the engine, (as it was not
required for any further aerobatic flight), the trees supper tonight, when we get back to La Ronge!
THEN Peter started to laugh! If only we could
parted on the other side of the river and an orange
streak, dove into the water. It was Peter, my faithful and have been on “Candid Camera”, we would have
been rich or at least Famous, today! But here we
somewhat excited engineer, (and soon-to-become, my
were stuck in the “Loon sh##”, and so close to
faithful servant.) He had heard the “BANG” and had
looked over, (just in time), to see me doing “Spin- shore and all Peter could do was LAUGH.
Turns”, down below the tree line. He set a new World
Ground Speed Record, (On Running Shoes), that day,
I’m sure, for the (“Half Mile Over Muskeg Terrain”)!