Page 15 - May 2020
P. 15

A glider pilot has to use her/his knowledge of possible                 Movie of the Month
        sources of lift to make its way back to the airport.
                                                                                   Blue Thunder
        Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t!

        Look at this street of Cumulus. Perfect for soaring.

        Yet, other glider pilots prefer to do neither and their
        thing is to perform acrobatics!  Gliders are very strong
        structurally, and most can perform some form of
        acrobatics. There is a number of gliders that can perform
        every manoeuver in the book, including inverted flat
        spins, outside loops, and all kinds of cranium shackers .
        Although acrobatic flying is not part of the Saskatoon     An American action drama television series based
        Soaring Club umbrella, acrobatic gliding happens in        on the movie of the same title that aired on ABC
        Canada (have you heard of our very own Manfred             from January 6 until April 16, 1984 featuring the
        Radius??, if not, Google him! ) , but it is a huge amongst   Blue Thunder helicopter.
        European pilots.
                                                                   The series uses the converted Aérospatiale Gazelle
        Check this out! At the 1:00 mark                           helicopter and large portions of stock footage from                the 1983 film.  A ground unit named "Rolling
                                                                   Thunder" backed up the helicopter in the television
                          Crazy wacky doodle!
                                                                   series.  This was a large support van with a desert
        Thank you for your time and we’ll see you next issue,      camouflage off-road vehicle stored inside.
                                                 Fernando Garza
                                                                   The television series cast includes James Farentino,
        Preview YouTube video EPIC !"INSANE World Champion"        Dana Carvey, and former professional American
        Glider Aerobatic Pilot Luca Bertossio CITIZEN Watches|     football players Bubba Smith and Dick Butkus.  The
        Red Bull                                                   series was canceled by ABC after they felt the
                                                                   similar Airwolf on CBS would win the ratings battle.
                                                                   Also, the series aired at the same time as the CBS
                                                                   soap opera Dallas on Friday nights, and lost.
                                                                   Eleven episodes were made before the series was

                      EPIC !"INSANE World Champion"
        Glider Aerobatic Pilot Luca Bertossio CITIZEN Watches Red Bull
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