Page 16 - May 2020
P. 16

There are a variety of scribing tools from which to
                                                                   choose.  There is the traditional sickle-shaped
                                                                   scribing tool as well as almost any tool with a thin
                                                                   V-shaped point such as a sewing pin, number 11
                                                                   Xacto blade or a needle in a pin vice.  Along with
                                                                     choosing a scribing tool, you will need to choose a
           Scribing Surface Details on Your Aircraft               guide or template suitable for the project.  For a
                                                                   flat surface requiring straight lines, you can use
        This tutorial explains how to replace raised details with
        scribed lines.  Prior to about twenty-five years ago, the   almost any straight surface.  There are a number
                                                                   of scribing templates produced by aftermarket
        typical plastic model airplane kit had unrealistic-looking
                                                                   modeling companies.  For tightly curved surfaces
        raised panel lines or countless rows of rivet heads
        covering the model’s surface.  This is because it was too   such as the fuselage, you can use label making
                                                                   tape like that made by Dymo.  It will contour to
        expensive to develop the steel injection molding tools
                                                                   the surface while being thick enough to act as a
        that could simulate recessed panel lines.  During the late
        1980’s we started to see models with more realistic-       guide to your scribing tool.
        looking recessed panel lines.  This was due to advances in
        the mold-cutting techniques that made it made it
        possible to economically develop steel molds with the
        raised details necessary to create the recessed features in
        the injection molded plastic parts.  However, many kits
        made from older injection molds are still on the market
        today and some newer kits have some raised features
        that would look much more realistic when converted to
        recessed features.

                                                                   Usually the first step when scribing a plastic
                                                                   airplane model is to make smooth the parts to be
                                                                   scribed.  You can start by shaving off as much
                                                                   detail as possible with a dull hobby knife (a sharp
                                                                   blade increases the chance of gauging into the
                                                                   surface).  After shaving, finish the removal by
                                                                   lightly wet sanding with fine sandpaper (800-grit
                                                                   or finer).  After sanding and shaving, it is often
                                                                   possible to still see the faint remnants of the
                                                                   original panel lines making then useful as a guide
                                                                   to scribe the recessed details.

        There are many reasons to convert to recessed panel
        lines and details.  A big advantage of recessed features is
        that they can receive a light wash to show weathering as
        part of the finishing coats.  Also, kits rarely assemble so
        that opposing parts align perfectly. Panel lines often have
        to be removed and re-scribed.  Lastly, a high gloss finish
        will highlight surface detail making recessed lines much
        more desirable.
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