Page 111 - Jack's victory and other stories about dogs
P. 111

the servant went under  the bed, where she found
                           7hd. under a- piece of  cloth;  but  from  that  time

                           Dandie  never  could  endure  the  girl,  and  was

                           frequently  observed  to  hide  hist  money  in  the

                           comer of a saw-pit  under  the dust,
                              When the master had company he would  desire

                           Dandie  to  see  any  of  his  guests  home  who

                           wished  him.  He  would  walk  with  his  charge

                           till  the  latter  readied  liis  own  door,  and  then

                           instantly  turn  about  and  make  for  home, how­
                           ever great the distance might be,

                              A  party of  three  went  one  day  to  New haven

                           to enjoy a bathe, and  Dandie  accompanied  them.

                           Having accomplished  their purpose they entered
                           a  pi e as u re-garden,  and  having  taken  some  re­

                           freshment  in  one  of  the  arbours  they  took  a

                           walk round, one of the  gentlemen leaving bis hat

                           and  gloves  in the place.  In the meantime some'
                           strangers  came  into  the  garden  and  went  into

                           the  arbour  which  the  others  had  left,  Dandie

                           immediately,  without  being  ordered,  ran  to  the

                           place and  brought oil'  the hat and  gloves, which

                           he  presented  to  the owner.  One  of  the  gloves,
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