Page 108 - Jack's victory and other stories about dogs
P. 108

laid  down  the shilling,  which  ho  had  previously

                               picked  up  without having been  perceived.

                                  On another occasion  lie was  left  in a room  in

                               a strange House, where his master had  been  on a

                               visit,  He remained  quiet,  for a  time;  but as no
                               one  opened  the  door  he  became  impatient  and

                               rang  the  bel]? and when  the servant opened  the

                               door she was surprised  to find  the dog pulling at

                               the  bull-rope.  After  that,  which  was  the  first

                               time he had  ever  been observed  to do it, he fre­
                               quently  pulled  the  hell  in  his  master’s  house

                               whenever lie desired  to  get out of  a room.  But

                               what was more remarkable  was, if there was  not

                               a  bell-rope  in  the  room  he  would  look  on  the
                               table or mantel-piece for a hand-bell, which, if he

                               found  one, lie would  ring with  his  mouth  ener­

                               getically until  a servant came.

                                   His  master  having one  evening  supped with  a
                               friend, returned  home rather  late and  found  all

                               the  family gone  to  bed.  He could  not  find  his

                               boot-jack  in  the  place where  it usually lay, nor

                               could  he find  it anywhere  in the room after the

                               strictest search.  He  then said to the dog:
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