Page 104 - Jack's victory and other stories about dogs
P. 104
“ A country- worn an having gone to market
to sell her chickens, met with a cook, who bought
the half of what she had, and the half of one
more, without killing any of them. She then
sold to a second cook the half of those remaining
and a half-chicken more, also without killing
any- find afterwards the half of the remainder
and a half-chicken more to a third cook, still
without killing any. By these means the coun
try-worn an sold all her chickens. How many had
The spaniel replied "that she had seven; that
the first purchaser took four, that is to say, three
and a half plus one-lialf, without killing any;
that the second had taken two, that is to say, one
and a half plus a half; and in the last place, that
the third had taken one, that is to say, one half
plus a half.”
It now remains for us to explain how the
animal, without any visible sign being made to
him, could return answers to the questions pro
posed to him. The reader must understand that
the letters and figures were placed on so many