Page 101 - Jack's victory and other stories about dogs
P. 101

111  did not say,”  returned the spaniel, with  the

                              aid  of  his  interpreter,  "th at  an  air-balloon  was

                              employed for that purpose,—I speak  of a voyage

                              by sea.”

                                 The sailor then said, " that by sea such a voyage
                              was  still  more  impossible, because,  as  the  fastest

                              sailing  vessel  went  at  the  rate of  no more  than

                              five  leagues  per  hour,  it  could  never  make  a
                              voyage of GOO  leagues  in half a clay.

                                 The animal  persisted  in maintaining  its asser­

                              tion, and  the sailor was  going  to  lay a consider­

                              able  wager,  when  the  spaniel  and  his  master

                              added,  " that  they had  performed  this voyage  in
                              a country where they kindled fire with  ice/’

                                 w If  you  are  particularly  anxious  to  display

                              your  learning/'  replied  the  sailor  sulkily,  u do

                              not,  I  beg of you,  utter such absurdities.”

                                 The master of  the s])aniel  then, addressing the
                              animal  said,  u Tell  us,  my  friend,  is  it  not  true

                              that  a fire can be kindled  by a piece of  ice, if  it

                              be cut  in  the form  of  a  lensf so as  to  collect  the
                              rays of  the sun  into a  focus, and  to throw  them

                              on a siiuill heap  of gunpowder T
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