Page 51 - Jack's victory and other stories about dogs
P. 51

they  all  fell  ttpon  what  he  attacked,  and  the

                           vicstory  was  soon  won.             But  now  there  was

                           i r res olu tj o n.  IC arsuk 1 o ok e cl on with incliffer en ce,
                           Whitey and  Schnapps glanced at each  other and

                           growled,  Arkadik mad© at Anma-aya, and after

                           knocking  her  down, gave  a new  character to  the

                           battle  by  falling  upon  Erebus,  her  old  master,
                           and  biting  him  unmercifully  in  the  leg.                This

                           was clearly all  that was needed to assure  Karsuk

                           who  had  so  lately  made  friends  with  Jack.

                           Following the  lead  of plucky Arkadik, he too fell
                           upon  his  old  leader.  Then  Amna-aya,  moaning

                           from  her  recent  beating, fell  upon Arkadik, and

                           began  to  gnaw  away  at  her  hind-leg.                    Tliis

                           forced  her  to  let  go  her  hold  upon  the  leg  of
                           Erebus, and she once more attacked  her whining


                               Utterly confused by this novel  turn  of  affairs

                           Whitey and  Schnapps did  not  know  which  way
                           to  turn.  But  something  they must  do;  so  they

                           got  up a private fight on  their own account.

                               The  battle  waxed  hot  and  furious,—Arkadik

                            and  Amna-aya  lighting  tooth  and  nail;  "Whitey
                                   (151)                                             V
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