Page 47 - Jack's victory and other stories about dogs
P. 47

and  forgetting  all  about  the  whip,  they  flew  at

                          each  other’s  throats.  In  an  instant  they  also
                           were  rolling  over  in  the  snow,  tearing  away  at

                           each  other,  and  growling  in  a  very  loud  and

                           vicious manner*  They were right in front of the

                           sledge,  which  in  an  instant  brought  up  against
                           them with  a bang.  Jack  managed  to roll  to one

                           side, and  the runner  passed over only  one of  his

                           legs;  but  Erebus,  less  fortunate,  got  jammed

                           under  the sledge, and  was dragged  along  by one
                           of  the  runners  before  our  headway  could  he

                           -stopped.  When  he  released  himself, and sprang

                           up,  the  driver  gave  him  a  crack  over  the  head

                           with his whip-stock,  which lent  him to his place
                           whining  with  pain  and  probably  with  consider­

                           able buzzing in Ins ears.

                               By  this  time the other  dogs  had  gained  their

                           feet.  Jack camc up  looking  a  little humiliated,
                           and  as  he passed  the sledge to his  place, he got a

                           touch of the whip too, so severe that he could not

                           restrain  a  yelp.        Then  up  came  Arkadik  and

                           Amna-aya, both of  whom  were  pretty well  pun­

                            ished  for  their pains.  What with  the whining of
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