Page 74 - Jack's victory and other stories about dogs
P. 74

camp, and  behind  it  the  glorious  colours  of  the

                               regiment;, which had never yet been sullied  by an

                               enemy.  Moustache was  at once  washed and fed,

                               and had  his wounded leg attended to.  A consul­
                               tation of  officers  was  held,  when  It was  resolved

                                to remove  the  metal  collar which still  encircled

                               Ins  neck*  and  to  replace  it  with  a,  rich  crimson

                               ribbon, to which  they ordered  a  silver medal  to
                                be attached, on  one  side  of wdiich  was  inscribed

                                the legend:

                                 t(lh  PEBDIT  UNF.  JAM 13 E  A   LA  BA TAIL 1,32  tfAU ’STERfctTZ,
                                       ET  SUAVA  Ltt  D11AP1SAU  DE  SON  RfiGIJJLENT.” 1

                                and on the  other,

                                   fl Mouari'A.c;iii';f  ciuisn  ]?rak(ja rs j  qu'itj  so it  partout
                                         RESPECT^  &T  CUISeI  OOMME  UN  BEAVE-,,S

                                   This was Accordingly done, and  Moustache was
                                duly  decorated;  and  it  would  be  hard  to  say

                                whether  the  officers  or  the  dotr  were  most

                                  1  This  may  1)C  freely  translated  thUS;  Hei  lost  Site  tag  for  his
                                country,  and  saved  the  colours  of  fcte regiment  at  the  battle  of
                                  s Moustibhe,  a  do^  with  a  true  French  heart,  respected  and
                                honoured  an  a  hero.
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