P. 2
A. Background
The Minang tradition, which exists simultaneously with the
historical development of the archipelago, is a national cultural
wealth that has played a large role in advancing the nation and
religion in the country, especially in Minangkabau. Culture which
is generally defined as a complex whole is a manifestation or
product of a combination of science, belief, art, morals, law and
customs as well as abilities and habits. Custom is defined by a
systemic provision, containing noble values, philosophy and ethics
both for personal life and for social life, for the welfare of life.
While education is a conscious effort to develop the natures
contained in a person to achieve safety and happiness in this world
and the hereafter.
From the above definition, it can be seen that custom,
education and science are components of culture (culture).
Therefore, customs and education are two elements that are
interrelated with each other in manifesting a culture, so that
education from a cultural perspective can be defined as a conscious
effort to form cultured and civilized human beings, in accordance
with their religious vocation. If education is an important
institution to produce quality human beings, then education is an