Page 6 - Orthofeed_Issue4_Feb2022
P. 6

Total Knee Arthroplasty in Ochronosis Arthropathy                                                   05

                                Preoperative and postoperative (2 years) findings were      1

                            Parameter                    Preoperative                Postoperative

                           Range of motion                  5° to 100°                  0° to 90°

                        Oxford knee score (OKS)                9                          40

                     Knee Society (KS) function score          0                          70

        Rare incidental finding                                Operative pearls for surgery

           The finding of black connective tissue by an           Cemented  TKA  should  be  considered  for
           orthopaedic  surgeon  can  also  be  the  first        ochronosis     arthropathy,    as    it   offers

           point  of  suspicion  for  alkaptonuria  in  some     advantages  such  as  easier  technique
           patient. 1                                            ensuring greater primary stability and delivery

                                                                 of local antibiotics. 1
           For a 58-year old female patient, the diagnosis

           of  ochronosis  was  made  after  knee                Patellar  resurfacing:  Tendon  can  be  friable
           replacement surgery.  3                               and  stiff  due  to  ochronotic  involvement  and

              The  patient  had  knee  pain  since  8  years     one should be careful while retracting patella. 3
              with no cutaneous signs of ochronosis at

              time of presentation. 3                            Consider  preoperative  cardiac  clearance
              Blackened articular cartilage of femur, tibia,     because  of  possibility  of  calcified  cardiac

              and  patella;  blackened  undersurface  of         valve disease. 3
              patella and quadriceps tendons and; dark

              black stiff menisci inside the joint made the   Future considerations
              surgeon    highly    suspicious    of    this      Future    considerations    include    possible

              diagnosis. 3                                       genetic interventions or the use of nitisinone

                                                                 for treatment of this disorder. 3
           Ochronosis arthropathy should be considered
           as  a  diagnosis  when  faced  with  black            Blood management, use of bone cement, and

           connective tissue intraoperatively. 1                 spontaneous  quadriceps  rupture  are  all

                                                                 possible  considerations  that  might  enhance
           Surgeons  may  proceed  with  TKA  as  it             surgical outcomes.  3
           provides  a  good  long-term  outcome  for

           end-stage arthropathy. 1
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