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         Risk factors for the conversion of hip arthroscopy

         to total hip arthroplasty

                                                                    S. No  Author         Type of study  Risk factors for
       Dr Sanjay Gupta                                                                                  THA conversion
                                                                     1.  S. Allahabadi et al.  [1]  Level IV   Older age
       MS, Orthopedics and joint replacement surgeon                                      therapeutic case
                                                                                          series involving 82
       Director, Jaypee Hospital, Noida                                                   patients

                                                                     2.  WW Schairer et al.  [4]  Level III   Older age
                                                                                          retrospective   Pre-existing
                                                                                          comparative study
       Intoduction                                                                        involving 7,351   arthritis
       The use of hip arthroscopy (HA) has rapidly increased                              patients       Obesity
       along with improving techniques and indications for           3.  B.S Kester et al.  [5]  Level III   Age over 60
       surgery.  [1]                                                                      case-control study   years
                                                                                          involving 3,957   Female sex
       HA aims to serve as a native hip preservation surgery,                             patients       Obesity
       minimizing further joint degeneration and ultimately
       preventing or delaying the need for total hip arthroplasty                                        Pre-existing
       (THA).  [2]
       Applications                                               Therefore, the risk factors for failure of HA leading to
                                                                  THA include-
       In India, therapeutic arthroscopic hip procedures involve     Age over 60 years
       femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), joint debridements,
       synovectomy, labral trimming and microfractures.  [2]         Female sex
       HA is also used for the diagnosis of ligamentum teres         Pre-existing arthritis
       problems, management of capsular problems, repair of
       articular cartilage and hip washout in septic arthritis.  [3]  Clinical implication

                                                                  Knowledge of risk factors can aid in risk stratification
       Advantages of arthroscopy over arthroplasty
                                                                  through appropriate patient selection.  [4]
       Hip arthroscopy has several advantages when compared to
       open surgery; such as-  [3]                                Patients at risk for THA conversion should be counseled
                                                                  on potential adverse outcomes to allow patient-physician
          Minimally invasive                                      engagement during the shared decision-making process.
          Free from complications
          Requires least amount of rehabilitation time            References
                                                                  1.      Allahabadi S, Hinman AD, Horton BH, Avins AL, Coughlan
       Therefore, given the increasing use and obvious advantages   MJ, Ding DY. Risk Factors for Conversion of Hip Arthroscopy to
       of HA, it is of interest to evaluate the risk factors for failure   Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Large Closed-Cohort Study. Arthrosc
       of HA leading to THA.  [1]                                 Sports Med Rehabil. 2020;2(5):e599-e605. Published 2020 Oct 15.
       Evaluation of risk factors                                 2.      Shetty, Vijay. (2017). Hip Arthroscopy in India: A Perspective.
       Various studies have been conducted to identify            3.      Massa E, Kavarthapu V. The Expanding Role of Hip
       independent risk factors for the conversions to THA within   Arthroscopy in Modern Day Practice. Indian J Orthop.
       2 years after hip arthroscopy.                             2019;53(1):8-14. doi:10.4103/ortho.IJOrtho_12_18

                                                                  4.      Schairer, W. W., Nwachukwu, B. U., McCormick, F., Lyman, S.,
                                                                  & Mayman, D. (2016). Use of Hip Arthroscopy and Risk of
                                                                  Conversion to Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Population-Based
                                                                  Analysis. Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related
                                                                  Surgery, 32(4), 587–593. doi:10.1016/j.arthro.2015.10.002
                                                                  5.      Kester, B. S., Capogna, B., Mahure, S. A., Ryan, M. K., Mollon,
                                                                  B., & Youm, T. (2018). Independent Risk Factors for Revision
                                                                  Surgery or Conversion to Total Hip Arthroplasty After Hip
                                                                  Arthroscopy: A Review of a Large Statewide Database From 2011
                                                                  to 2012. Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related
                                                                  Surgery, 34(2), 464–470. doi:10.1016/j.arthro.2017.08.297
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