Page 3 - OrthoFeed issue3 - Final
P. 3

Case series

         Simultaneous bilateral total hip arthroplasty

       Dr HP Bhalodiya                                            Table 1- Reporting 3 cases of SimBTHA         [3]

       MS, Orthopedics and joint replacement surgeon                            Case 1       Case 2      Case 3
       Chief joint replacement surgeon at Saviour                   Age         66 years     56 years    62 years
       Hospital, Ahmedabad                                          BMI         35           33          26.6

       Introduction                                                Age          66 years     56 years   Older age
                                                                                                         62 years
       Simultaneous bilateral total hip arthroplasty (SimBTHA)     BMI          35          33          26.6
       can be performed when the patient is
                                                                   Comorbidities  Prostate cancer   Hypertension  Obstructive
          Young  [1]                                                            in remission             sleep
          Free from comorbidities  [1]
          Suffering from bilateral hip disease  [1]
                                                                   Blood loss   200 ml       200 ml      150ml
       If patients are deemed not suitable for SimBTHA, it may     during surgery
       be more appropriate to perform staged bilateral total hip
       arthroplasties (StBTHAs) 3-6 months apart to minimize       Duration of   116 minutes  130 minutes  103 minutes
       complications and morbidity.  [1]
                                                                   Time taken to   2 hours   7 hours     4 hours
                                                                   discharge after
       Analysing SimBTHA in contrast to                            surgery
       StBTHA                                                      Time taken to   3 months  3 months    3 months
                                                                   normal gait
         Advantages of SimBTHA   Limitations of SimBTHA
                                                                   Improvement   Improved from   Improved from   Improved from
                                                                   in Harris Hip   71 to 91  45 to 100   63 to 100
            Reduced anesthetic time  [1]  Greater risk of pulmonary   Score (HHS)
                                   embolism, myocardial
            Reduced duration of    infarction, renal failure       Post-operative   Rivaroxaban for   Rivaroxaban   Rivaroxaban
            rehabilitation  [1]    and chest infection  [1]        thromboproph  4 weeks     for 4 weeks  for 4 weeks
            Shorter overall hospital   Significantly higher
            stay (8.9 days vs 10.4 days)   absolute mortality (0.4%
            [1]                          [1]                      Conclusion
                                   vs 0.1%)
            Cost-effective  [1]                                   Simultaneous bilateral THA appears to be beneficial for
                                                                  both the patient and the health-care system due to lesser
            Patients of working age                               duration of hospital stay, anesthetic time and
            benefit from shorter time                              rehabilitation.  [3]
            off work.  [1]
                                                                  But, it is associated with increased risk of postoperative
                                                                  complications.  [3]
       The functional outcomes of SimBTHA and StBTHAs are         Therefore, surgeons performing SimBTHA should ensure
       reported to be similar with average Harris Hip Score       rigorous patient selection and obtain informed consent
       (HHS) of 84.1 and 82.6, respectively. (p = 0.528).  [2]
                                                                  from their patients.  [1]

       Case series                                                References
          zBrzezinski et al. reported 3 cases describing the      1.      Partridge, T. C. J., Charity, J. A. F., Sandiford, N. A., Baker, P.
          feasibility, safety, and efficacy of performing          N., Reed, M. R., & Jameson, S. S. (2019). Simultaneous or Staged
          SimBTHA in patients with degenerative joint disease     Bilateral Total Hip Arthroplasty? An Analysis of Complications
          of both hips. (Table 1)  [3]                            in 14,460 Patients Using National Data. The Journal of
                                                                  Arthroplasty. doi:10.1016/j.arth.2019.08.022
          None of the patients required a blood transfusion,      2.      Taheriazam A, Mohseni G, Esmailiejah AA, Safdari F,
          experienced a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or             Abrishamkarzadeh H. Bilateral total hip arthroplasty: one-stage
          pulmonary embolism (PE).  [3]                           versus two-stage procedure. HIP International.
                                                                  2019;29(2):141-146. doi:10.1177/1120700018773427
          There were no complications and excellent outcomes      3.      A. Brzezinski et al. Single-Stage Bilateral Total Hip
          at 90-day follow-up.  [3]                               Arthroplasty in an Ambulatory Surgical Center: A Report of
                                                                  Three Cases. Arthroplasty Today 8 (2021) 74e77.
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